Tn.s Panrher Ausf A iFgst Nr 151951 produced Dy Daimier-Ben* on or aoout i Octooer 1943) did not receive a coatmg of Zimmerit apphed at tne factory it stiii has tne Dmocular T.Z.F.12 gun signt and Letterpox machmegun port m the giacis piąte Pistol ports are stiii present on tne turret sides and tne ring for the anti-aircraft machmegun mount is missing from the commanders cupola Ali visible roadwheels have 24 nm Doits (BA)
troduced at the same time includmg improved coolant circu-lation mside the motor and a remforced membranę spring mstalled m the fuel pump
An order dated 23 September 1943 stated that the HL 230 motors delivered by Maybach before i August 1943 (serial numbers 120001 to 120880) were to be exchanged for improved motors as follows
• First priority was to be given to the Panthers issued to newly created units or Panthers delivered as replacements to the front
• Ali replacement motors of the old type located at the front were to be rapidly exchanged for motors of the latest type
• New motors were to be supplied to the assembly firms Production was not to be delayed due to a shortage of new motors If necessary. older motors were to be installed and then exchanged for a new motor before the Panther was sent to the front
In November 1943. starting with HL 230 P30 motor num-ber 8322575. the governor was already set at the factory for a maximum speed of 2500 rpm under fuli load and the motors were outfitted with a hand operated temperaturę contro! on the oil cooler
Maybach HL 230 P30 motors with numbers from 8321812 to 8322581 and motors that were rebuilt in October and November 1943 (with M stamped on the serial number piąte) had faulty bearmgs that frequently failed. lmproved bearmgs were installed m HL 230 P30 motors starting with serial number 8322581 m November 1943.
Due to problems with motor failure. an eighth crank shaft bearmg was installed in the senes production Maybach HL 230 P30 motors starting with serial number 8323426 m January 1944
Starting m March 1944, a new piston design was installed m the Maybach HL 230 P30 motors (starting with serial number 8324290 for Maybach. 8322110 for Auto Union), reduc-mg the compression ratio from 1:68 to 1 64
On 7 March 1944. the units were advised that some of the Panthers had been outfitted with a Durchdrehanlasser (reduction gear hand crank starter) mstead of a Schwung-kraftanlassers (mertia hand crank starter).
Mittelstollen (ice sprags) which served to mcrease traction on roads covered with ice or packed snów were issued to the units as part of their wmter gear Mittelstollen were attached
A Panther Ausf A produced m September/October 1943 and coated w.th 7.™™* , ^ .
,e,nforced type w.th 24 boits on the r.m Pistol ports are still present on the lunet sides a^reaf (Wjsl ** ^ Slat,0n 'S lhe
A Belehls Panther Ausf A. Tactical No I02. in Italy with the I Abteilung Panzer-Regiment 4. still has the T.Z.F.12 bmocular gun sight ^Letter Box" machmegun port on the glacis. and pistol ports on the turret sides As m ati Befehls-Panthers. the aperture for the coaxial machmegun was sealed with an armor pług and the spare antenna rods were slored in tubes mounted on the left side (BA)