Startmg in Apm 1943 Schuerzen (soft Steel skirts) were mounted wilh brackets along the hull side Schuerzen wore designed to proteci the hull side from hits at ciose rangę from RuSSian 14 5 mm anti-tank nfles (WJS)
The Rohrausblasevorrichtung consisted of a compressor mounted on the turret platform, a compressed air storage tank with a relief valve. a release valve actuated when the gun recoiled. and distribution tubes on the gun breech.
2 3 12 MAYBACH HL 230 P30 MOTOR
Startmg in May 1943 with the 251 st Panther. the Maybach HL 230 P30 motor with two multistage air filters was mtro-duced. replacmg the Maybach HL 210 P30 with three air filters Created as a bored out version of the HL 210. the cylinder diameter of the HL 230 was mcreased to 130 mm with a capacity of 23.000 cc This virtually left zero space hetween adiacent cylinder Imers The light alloy błock for the HL 210 was replaced by a cast iron błock for the HL 230 thereby mcreasmg the motor weight by 350 kilograms The HL 230 was rated at 700 mętne horsepower at 3000 rpm. an merease of 50 over the HL 210. Th.s did not merease the soeed of the Panther However. this merease m power ai-iowed the Panther to accelerate faster. climb slopes faster and cross d.fficult terram with less stram on the motor Several modifications were mcorporated with the switch to the Maybach HL 230 P30 motor mcludmg relocatmg the tool box mounted mside the motor hatch and modifymg the armor caps for sealmg the carburetor air mtake slits on the motor hatch.
This page and two photos opposite below Panther Ausf D. Tactical Nr 521 (Fgst Nr 210055 completed at mana early May 1943) was issued to Panzer-Abteilung 52 It fought at Kursk before bemg captured and displayed by the Russians lt still had the Nebelwurfgeraet (smoke candle dischargers) on both sides of the turret Ram guards had been weided over the Verstandigungsoeffnung (Communications pon) on the left turret side and over the access hatch on the turret rear Tool stowage has been modified by reversmg the axe on the left side and secunng the jack błock with a single bar across the middle on the nght side The engme access hatch is missrng revealmg a Maybach HL 210 P30 engme and cylindrical air cleaners The roadwheel next to the dnve sprocket had 16 rim bolts whiie the roadwheel next to the idler wheel had 16 rim bolts remforced with 16 nvets (TTM)