Panther Ausf D m convoy near Poltowa m September 1943. The spare roadwheels mounted on the hull sides are a field modification (KHM)
Some of the Ausf.As produced m August and September 1943 did not a coatmg of Zimmerlt applied at the factory Pistol ports are still present on the turret sides and rear along with the bmocular T.Z.F.12 (BA) _____
Befehis-Panther Ausf A (Tactical No IIOO) probably with the II Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 23 tn the Winter of 1943 44 (BA)
The followmg excerpts are from the experience report covermg action during the period from 9 through 19 October 1943 written by Hauptmann Bollert. commander of the I Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 2
Tactical Training The very short tactical trammg m Panthers caused by the emergency has not proven to be especially harmful. The umts still possessed over 50 percent expen-enced veterans from the eastern campaign as commanders | and crew members In this framework. surprismgly rapidly. the older troops assimilated the younger soldiers and rela-tively ęuickly bndged over their mexperience The many youngsters, in part only very shortly schooled drivers. have all exceeded expectations and with the highest fervor and self mitiative tned to maintam their Panthers operational. In all cases, the availabihty of old platoon leaders is very deci-sive
Technical Training in Germany During the several weeks long training assignments for drivers and mechamcs. they were not always given what they urgently needed for later application. The soldiers were assigned only one and the same work task for several weeks. such as mountmg roadwheels. Therefore, the generał overview of the assem-bly and functioning of the Pz Kpfw V was not obtamed. In many cases. training by Professional mstructors could have been better and been provided during a shorter assignment. This opportumty was available m every assembly plant.
Panthers as total writeoffs It was left with 15 operational Panthers and 45 m need of repair on 31 August 1943
Later m August, the I Abteilung/SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 arnved and fought under its parent division “Das Reich" This Abteilung was outfitted with a reduced complement of 71 Panthers The Abteilung-Stab was given three Befehls-Pan-thers and each of the four compames were outfitted with 17 Panthers. two for the Kompanie-Trupp and five in each of three platoons On 31 August 1943, their status was reported as 21 operational. 40 in need of repair. and 10 total writeoffs
The fourth unit to be sent to the Eastern Front with Panthers was the II Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 23. It had been outfitted with a fuli complement of 96 Panthers. mostly Ausf D but with a few of the earliest Ausf A.
The fifth unit sent to the Eastern Front with Panthers was the I Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 2 outfitted with 71 Panthers. mostly Ausf A As reported by the 13.Panzer-Division on 20 October 1943.
Due to the pressmg situation and on orders. the I. Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 2 had to be thrown into combat oiecemeal by company as soon as each arrived by raił. Be-cause of the critical situation, the Abteilung was not tactically employed in cooperation with the Panzer-Grenadiere. Out of necessity, followmg counterattacks. sections sometimes single Panthers from the Abteilung had to remain in the mam de-‘ence Ime to shore up the weak infantry. As explained by the division and higher commands, this tactical employment is m opposition to the basie principles for armor tactics. however it could not be prevented due to the situation.