side piąte, complete new layout on the rear deck. and modified engme exhaust coolmg with twm exhaust pipes. The cooling alr intake louvres. the twm circutar combustion air mtake covers. and the engme compartment air intake scoop were inherited from the Panther II.
Panzerkampfwagen Panthar (7,5 cm Kw.K.42 L/70) (Sd.Kfz.171)
An Au8fuehrung G as H was produced by M.A.N m lato March 1944 belore any modifications. The turret remamed identical to the Ausf.A External features ot the new hull design mcluded new hatches for the dnver and radio operator, a rotatmg periscope for the dnver. droppmg the driver’s visor, one piece superstructure