Paozarkampfwagan Panthar (7,5 cm Kw.K-42 L70) (Sd.KIZ.171)
Ausfuahrung A as it was p/oducad Dy tha assambiy hrms bato/a any modifications Tha chassis ramainad identicaJ to tha Ausf D vwith tha LattafDox' machmegun port m tha glacis płata ExternaJ faatures ot tha naw tufret dasign incłude a panscopa for tha
loadar a cast commandet s cupola with penscopas. and naw saaJs Dahmd tha gun mantlet It stili had pistol ports on tha turret sidas and rear and tha T.Z.F.12 bmocular gunsight.