Panther Ausf G. Tactical No 301. with a “chm" gun mantlet. without Zimment. with Flammvernlchter exhaust mufflers. a Kampf-raumheizung crew compartment heater. and larger diameter self-cleanmg idler wheels (NA)
The Panther s cross country ride was almost the same with and without the rear shock absorbers Starting in October 1944. m order to simplify production the rear shock absorbers were no longer mstalled at the factory MNH received their order on 7 October from Wa Pruef 6 to immediately stop mountmg rear shock absorbers in the Panther. These were dropped by MNH starting with Panther Fgst Nr. 128696 (com-pleted on 12 October 1944).
for the instrument panel blmded the driver at night. Starting in October 1944. a redesigned instrument panel was installed with the tachometer visible from the elevated seat, a signal light for the oil pressure. and an adjustable light.
Starting in October 1944. the following new holders were installed for eguipment needed to defend against gas attack:
Starting m October 1944. elevated seats were installed in Ausf G Panthers at the assembly plant The dnver with a elear view from the opened hatch used extensions on the Controls for accelera-tion, shiftmg. braking. and steenng.
Following deletion of the driver’s visor. the troops had re-quested that an elevated seat be installed to allow drivmg from the opened driver's hatch. Starting in October 1944. el-evated seats were installed in Panthers at the factory On 30 November 1944. MNH received an order to immediately in-stall the elevated driver's seat MNH first installed this modi-fication in Panther Ausf. G Fgst.Nr. 128862 (completed on 3 December 1944)
With the mstallation of the elevated driver's seat. an improved view of the instruments and room to Shift the extended trans-mission lever were needed In addition. the mdirect lightmg
Pantner Ausf G (Fgst Nr 121306 completed by M A N on or about 11 December 1944) was tested by Wa Pruel 6 It hao a 'Chin' gun P aniiet and Kampfraumhelzung (crew compartment heater) The cylmdrical camster (or stowmg the gun cleanmg rods and spare lenna rods is stitl on the left superstructure side where il was fastened to all Panthers when they left the assembly plant (WJS)
five boxes for gas mask filters. two breathing tubę holders. three mounts on the turret roof for a Lost-Erkennungstafeln ipoison gas Identification panels) and a metal box mside the turret to storę the Lost-Erkennungstafeln
On 19 December 1944. MNH reported that the first trans-mission with auxiliary drive for the Draegeranlage (charcoal oed with a fan dnve for poison gas defense) had been deliv-ered Before convertmg to the modified transmissions. all of transmissions without the auxiliary dnve were to be installed m Panthers On 22 January 1945. MNH was ordered to m-stall the modified transmissions with auxiliary drive for the Draegeranlage 5 3 28 ęLEMER FJOBJgJUlN.SlOHT
Starting m November 1944. a wiper that could be readily op-erated by the gunner was installed to clean the front glass in the sighting telescope. On 8 January 1945. MNH reported that although it was known that these were still not avaiiable. the Waffenamt had ordered that effective immedi-ateiy only sighting telescopes with wipers were to be installed. Waffenamt then agreed that the older sighting telescopes could still be installed until receipt of sighting telescopes with wipers 5 3 29 PUNKEUOBUEN CAMOUFLAGE PĄlttT
On 20 December 1944. MNH reported the list of externa1 Panther components that were to be immediately covered with a base coat of Dunkelgruen RAL 6003 pamt A camou-flage pattern with Sharp contours was to be applied usmg Rotbraun RAL 8017 and Dunkelgelb RAL 7028 pamt
On 19 January 1945. MNH was mformed by Wa Pruef 6. ef-fective immediately. which components in the turret of the Panther Ausf G were still to be stencilled
• * lose" and “fest" by the turret traverse lock (021 St 50270)
• *55 kg/cm2 braun ark" by the recuperator (5 St 77009)
• *75 bis 80 atu bei 0°" on the counter balance cylinder for gun mantlet (021 St 50255) or “90 bis 95 atu bei 0°“ for gun mantlet (021 St 50258)
• Stencils for Communications equipment were still applied
All other stencils. for stowage etc were to be dropped