Even dfter the e\tensive rebuild campaign at Falkensee the Panthers stiii experienced numerous automotwe probiems Startmg in June 1943 Panthers were rebuiit at Grafenwoehr Erlangen or had tria foiiowmg modifications instalied durmg initial assembly pnor to shippmg mam to the Eastarn Front modified the tuai pump regulator and carburetor cov©r

•    Rainoved the transmission sen! it to the factory for moo, ficatron and ramstalled

. Hamoved and ramstalled l»t necessary modified) the dnvar s band Controls and adjusted correctly

•    Waided a ventilation pipa on the fuel tank cover

•    Repiaeed the roadwheei hubs that had a V seam Added a nvet between each ooit securmg the wheel discs

•    Strengthened and weided bump stops to the nuli

•    In the motor compartment a) added weights to the but tertly valves that ciose oft the motor compartment durmg submersion b) reset the slip ciutch on the fan dnve and lubncated the tan mount under the slip ciutch and c) 2 3 14 SMOKE CANPLE PISCHAROfiRS

_________t&moKe canaife

dischargerś) were no longer mounted on me nght and len n net sLs Dunng a reported act.on >n Februaty 1943 er. lunet Mde »    ott the smoke candles result.ng

rn7neTe"y' ncapac.tat.on o, me crew memhers 9

interior views of a Befems Pantner turret compieted at M A N m May 1943 it stiii nao me Verstandigungsoeffnung (commumcation port) m me left turret wali and smoke candie discnargers mounted on me turret sides The commander s cupola has been modified' a"reaiigned so mat tne nand crank and iever for openmg me hatch are mounted to the left of the commander The FuG 5 (10 watt senn"and recewer) radio set was mounted m me turret of tne Befems-Panmer with its antenna on the right rear of the turret roof (WJS) °er


AD0ve Panthef Ausf D (Fgst Nr 210111 compieted at M A N m iatp    - i' *k

e,s) are n0 longer mounted on the turret sides The armor p0, couenog t^^eecoD.no f,' ^b*,wurt9*raet -emorre canoie Mchwg-

<WJS,    a * ie-escop.ng a.r ,nta*e p.pes .s presem on tne rear dec*

Opposite Deiow and above These Panther Ausf Ds werp fnmnifttort    t

Nebelwurfgeraet (smoke candie d.schargers) aiong w.th the banned fai^ouardś^ftMhftTct^61efrly May 1943 They s,,,, have dpened engine access hatch reueals the pattirn us|d tor dybach HL 210?»%£$XS>P'U9S °" ^ 'U"e' S'fleS The



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