I Choosc the right answcr.
1. Which of the follow ing is the best cxnmplc of the convcntion of pretended sincent\ 'ł a) The Nun s Pnest Tale b) Sidncy*s Sonnet I ^Ppenscr’» Sonnet XV d) "The Miller*! Tale 2 Which of the following is not a chnrnctcristic of the Innguagc of Anglo-Saxon poctry a) nllitcration b) kennings c) cacsurn (a break or pausc in a linc of vcrsc) ^dJ/tyme 3. Which of the following is an cxamp!c of clcgiac poctr>n
Vi) ^ he Wanderer" b) Bcownlf
c) "The Dream of the Rood cl) Sir Gawain and the Gra en Kmght
*1 The following linc: ‘tjrcndel gongan, Godes > rrc bacr is an cxamplc of
a) lambic pentameter
c) kenmng d) nonc of them
5. Which of the following charactcrs docs not appear in mcdicval romances a) Charlcmagne b) Perccval ^c))GrendcI d) Brut
6. Which of the following is not tnie about Anglo-Norman literaturę
a) it was influcnced b\ Ccltic folklorc
b) it was influcnced b> the tradition of courtl>-lovc
(it was morę solcmn and austere than Anglo-Saxon literaturę d) it was wnttcn in French or Latin
7 Who was the first English sonnelccr 0
a; Wyaft b) Shakespeare c) Sidnc> d) Ronsard
* In Sidnc) 's Sonnet II the małe lovcr is compared to
9 Perfelote is a charactcr that appears in
c> /ncNtms Pnest Tale”
(d) A stroprwi ana Maila