1. Arm -serves as boi h the sap port ofthc body tubÄ™ and its lens Systems. The part held w hu u chc microscopc is carried, Also sorneLiniew rcferrcd to as 'dimbâ€,
2. Coflrsc Adjustmeut •• The conirol knota which movus thu specimcn (or ot>jo-ctivcj mpidly ijllowirig locnsing to occur. Fine Adj ustni cnt -' S he contro! knob whidi mcwcs thc specimcn (or objęci i ve) verv slowly nilowo ng mierotonal focusing to occnr.
?. llluminaror - The, sonrce ot' lighi which iilunhiuiLCS the object or spocimen to be observed. [l may havc fixcc inccnsity or variable inl.ensity vki a contro! knob. AIsij lefeticd to as "light" or "lampâ€.
4. Miiror - rcflucts ihu lighl lo liluminatc t lic spccimen
5* Polarizer - A filier which can producc polarizod 1 i o.bt and is usually used in eonjunclion with an AnaJvzer.
6. FiJter - A colorcd transparent materia) placcd in the path of illummalion to vary the oo n d i 1 i o 11 s of viewing.
7. Omdensur - The luns system beiweun Lhe illuminaLor and the specimcn which condcnscs lhe lighl onlo lhe spęd men.
8. Sbige - The platform which holds the spedmen. Types melinie: plain, mechanical, uioLonzed, healud, ule, Stuge Ciips Chrome metal fasteners locatcd on the stage and pJaced over slides lo hołd łbem sceurely in place while viewing.
9. Objecthe The compound lens system in a tnicroscope which reeeives Ijghi from lhe field of vicw and forms the primary image, The lens system closcst to the specimcn is the objective kns.
III. iNosepitce - A roi ary tnrrei mounling l.ora sol ot objeetivos.
11. Analyzcr •• The part of a polarizing system chat can sclect one anglc of light and is nsed in conjunction with a po) ar i z i ng fil ter.
12. Fyepiuce lube - Tubes of lhe microscopc head whidi boki lhe eyepiece.
13. Ftnses and prisms system - l.ens - An opticat grade glass which has two polisliud
siirdces and is used to converge or divcrge ] iglic rays, Prism - A solid piece of oplieal glass thut has at least two planes inctined towards each other 1'roni which lighL can bc relleciod or retiacted.
14. Fyupieeu - The lens syslem dosesi to lhe eye. Also referred to as ''ocli lar s'1,
li is nccessary to make lab report wiLh drawings ol all ofoerved spęd mens lo get a credit of this exercist\
W hen mu king druwiiigs on yonr lab report, do the folio winÄ™;
d For drawongs oso pcncil only - yon can erase and shade areas. d Begin by identifying the arca viewcd through the microscopc wilh n cirde or watdi glass.
d Speciincns shoidd bc drawn Lo scalÄ™. If lhe spccimen uikes up Lhe wholc vdewing field.
make sum yonr drawing shows 5his parł. d Drawings shonld be labcled wd(h the spccimen name and magnification. d Drawings shonld bc large cnough to vicw dctails and have significam: dctails labeled. d Ali labels shonld bc writLen on Lhe omside ofthc circlc.