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Part 1
Tlns c.\erc[se has iwo puns. In Lite fhst parł o i' ihc c\crcise, you will obscrvc spccitncns (samples) of hydmulic binders Le. cement and gypsum plaster in Iransrnilled liglit.
Proper use of the microscnpe
J. Tum Ltie rcvoivitig nosepiccc so LhaL ihc lowcsi power o h j o cl i v o lens (bx) is "diekcd" i m 1 o posilioji.
2. J iłok ihrough tbc cycpiccc and adjuH the illumnitilor (or minor') and diaphragm for lhe greaiesi amon nr of light,
3. Place ihc microscope slide on ihc stage and lastcn il wilii ihc stage elips.
4. Tum the re\olving nosepiece so LhaL Lhe high power obfeeiive (ens (4óx) is "dickcd" into posil i o ri.
5. Using the coarsc adj ustnie tu, lowcr ihc objcctive lens down as lar as il wili go williouf touching lhe slide! Nole: T.ook ni Jhe slide ant! lens from the sidekmg when dning this (disiancc belween lhe sl i tle and len^mnsl bell.b min).
0. Slowly mm the eoarsc adjustmcnc so thac Lhe objcetivc lens goes up (awray lrom the slide). C on limie unii! the image eomes into tocus, llsc the fine adjustment. if avai labie, for finc locushtg.
7. Move lhe inieroscope Hi de around so łhat the image is In Ehe center of Lhe field of view and readjust the mirror, jlhmtjnator or diaphragm tor the clcarcst image.
b, When Imished, raise Lhe lube, click the Iow power iens inlo posilion and re.rn.ove the slide. Rem cm ber
! The image in lhe cycpiccc is upside down and bachwards, When you movc the slide lo the rigłu. the image goes to Lhe lott.
! Do hol Loli ch Lhe glass parL of the letises wilh your fingers. Esc only coli on doili to
eleLin Lhe knses.
PrepAring wet mnunfing specimen
1, Clcan the microacopic slide carcfulh wilh coIloii clotłu
2. Place a litlle cenieni fgypsurn plasLer) on Lhe center of mierosJide.