focuswriter retro

focuswriter retro

£    About.rtf — FocusWriter    (g) v. v.v-i ly v- )v;ui jv.u tu u y i \j i luuo ui v-vv-.ii u v_ y yj 11 v_j :

Spell Checking

Let's face it, we all make mistakes; from typos to simple misspellings, they crop up in everyone's work. While some people find an automatic spell check distracting, others get thrown off-track to know that a word has been misspelled but can't remember exactly how it's supposed to be spelled. FocusWriter has an optional automatic spell check (on by default), as well as the good old standby spell check dialog that you can cali upon only when you want it. Through the Spell Checking tab of the Preference dialog, you can enable or disable automatic spell checking, customize your own personal dictionary, and add new dictionaries for other languages (downloadable from

Document Tabs

Sometimes it's useful to have multiple documents open at once, be it additional stories, notes, or reference materiał. Because FocusWriter is designed primarily to be run in its fullscreen State, your files appear as tabs located at the bottom of the program. All saved files that you have open at the end of your session reload the next time you launch the program, letting you jump right back in where you left off.


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focuswriter?fault £    About.rtf — FocusWriter    (g) uuv-jii u j
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