1. Look at page I. Noto the words in bołdface type. These are the words you will hear on the cassette. There are pauses to enable you to repeat each word and phrase right after you hear it.
2. Now read Lesson 1. (The KSEB symbols indi-cate the beginning of the recorded materiał. In some advanced lessons, Information and instruc-tions precede the recording.) Notę the points to listen for when you play the cassette, Look at the first word: Alberto, and be prepared to fotlow the voice you will hear.
3. Play the cassette, listen carefully, and watch for the points mentioned. Then rewind, play the lesson again, and this time say the words aloud. Keep repeating until you are sure you know the lesson. The morę times you listen and repeat, the longer you will rememberthe materiał.
4. Now go on to the next lesson. It’s always good to quickly review the previous lesson before starting a new one.
5. There are 2 kinds of quizzes at the end of each section. One is the matching type, in which you must select the English translation of the Portu-guese sentence. In the other, you fili in the blanks with the correct Portuguese word chosen from the 3 given directły below the sentence. Do these quizzes faithfully and, if you make any mistakes, reread the section.
6. When you get 100 percenł on the Finał Quiz, you may consider that you have mastered the course.
(Letten and Sounds 1)
A. Some Portuguese sounds are fairly similar to Eng-lish sounds. Listen to and repeat the following Portuguese nanieś and notice which sounds are fairly similar and which are different:
Alberto |
Albert |
Jńlio |
Julius |
Alfredo |
Alfred |
Lócia |
Lucy |
Ana |
Anna, Annę |
Lufs |
Louis |
Antonio1 |
Anthony |
Manuel |
Manuel |
CaHos |
Charles |
Maria |
Mary |
Cecfflla |
Cecilia |
Mńrio |
Mario |
Eduardo |
Edward |
Maurfcio |
Maurice |
Fernando |
Ferdinand |
Miguel |
Michael |
Francisco |
Francis |
Paulo |
Paul |
Glória |
Gloria |
Pedro |
Peter |
Guilherme |
William |
Raimundo |
Raymond |
Henrique |
Henry |
Ricardo |
Richard |
Isabel |
Elizabeth |
Roberto |
Robert |
JoSo |
John |
Rosa |
Rosę |
Jorge |
George |
Tomśs |
Thomas |
1. Each vowel is pronounced clearly and crisply.
2. A single consonant is pronounced with the fol lowing vowel.
António ®.