
Slot mortising machinę plans
Ali dimensions in centimeters except where indicated.
Copyright 2009 Matthias Wandel
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slider assy Slider assembly The trickiest part of building the slot mortising machinę is assemblingxsof3 0.13-oos 0.3 ±0.05 0.8 ±0.1 MAX. 0.4 0 to 0.05 (0.26)O_□- 0.2 1 Ali dimensions in millimetersdo14 JEDEC DO-14 Ali dimensions in millimeters yd 14999.03 2 max nicht verzinnt ł 2 r - - i h-I 1sot37 SOT - 37 XI -*1 E i a!=x:i Ali dimensions in millimeters (mm) ■f ydto220 JEDEC TO-220 Ali dimensions in millimeters (mm) 10,3 max 3,6 i2.8 4,5BODY ALIGNMENT • Ali dimensions indicated in figures are actual ones. •11 0 chicken coop plans construction chicken coop plans free NOTĘ: Dimension in the drawings as re11 7 chicken coop plans construction chicken coop plans free NOTĘ: Dimension in the drawings as reSTANDARD MINIFIG DIMENSIONS Diagrams aro twice actual size (2:1) Ali dimensions are in millimetres.Why national building renovation plans are keyDISCLAIMER: Ali opinions in this column reflectthe viesot23 5 2.90 BSCSOT-23/5 1.60 BSC 2.80 BSC 0.95 1.90 BSC Ali dimensions are in millimeters (mm) Comp3 1 chicken coop plans construction chicken coop plans free NOTĘ: Dimension in the drawings as refDossier iłt prrtidrwj // u grata r f Mettei un orlgl-rial dani votre machina. )rmr fort*, łtrr in prMR293R190?0 1 Ref. Dimensictts in iftetrea A 2,545 B 4,155 C 1,375 i 5 D 1,418 £ 1,404 to® Part names/Dimensions in mm(inches) [Side] 42(1.7) Mounting bracket Brace Knob D2C2 Arquivos de Zoologia cerithioideans except Modulus. The main character is the modification of sh22 A. Łajczak the Lower Vistula, one of only eight on the main river, considerably reduces the suspewięcej podobnych podstron