Why national building renovation plans are key
DISCLAIMER: Ali opinions in this column reflectthe views of the author(s), not ol By Oliver Rapf | BPIE £§Jul 7,2020
Recenc research has shown tha: for every €1 million invested in energy renova:ion of bu i dings. an average of 13 loca! ard iorg-term jobs are c'eated tha: will stimu'a:e economic actrvty. says 0:iver Rapf. [Kecko / Flickr]
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Renovating a country's buildings and homes represents a massive opportunity for sustainable economic recovery, health, well-being, and C02 reduction, writes Oliver Rapf.
Oliver Rapfis executive director ofthe Buildings Performance Institute Europę (BPIE).
The European Commission has proposed a €1.85 trillion recovery plan to help the European Union exit the economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemie. How some of this money will be spent will be defined in national Recovery and Resilience Plans, which national governments must prepare to access the funding. Within this context, financing building renovation is one of the smartest moves national governments could make and will respond to societal and environmental needsand urgencies.
Buildings are an important pillar of both our society and our economy. The pandemie has shown
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