

Project Options

Pascal | Linker | Advanced Linker | Directories/Conditionals Application | Compiler | Advanced Compiler |    C++

Versionlnfo Packages j Taśm | CORBA | CodeGuard

Design packages

Borland ADO PB Components

0 Borland BDE DB Components    _

0 Borland C++ InterBase Alerter Component 0 Borland C++ Sample Components

0 Borland C++Builder COM Server Components Sample Package 0 Borland C++Builder Internet Explorer 5 Components Package

e: \borland\cbuilder5\B in\dclado50. bpi

Add... | Remove | Edit | Components |

Runtime packages W [Build with runtime packages!

| VCL50;VCLX50;VCLD B 50;ibsmp50;VCLB D E 50;VCLD BX50;    Add... I

r Default





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