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i need banners



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i need banners

118:31 J lAdminJ vingador has acquired a (


LI8:33J lAdminJ minmei has acquired a Cl Lockbox.

LI8:42J ITellJ From [Edwin StormbornJ: ro

[ 18:43] ITellJ To IronikiJ: hi can i join the L18:43J ITellJ From LronikiJ: il doesnt matt [ 18:44J ITellJ From [ronikij: invited pIz read channel rules

[ 18:44J ITellJ To IronikiJ: thx and i will :)

Rffrfsh List

Description: mission: make pvp siege to pop with fair play atmosphere how: create even 2 teams in channel and sync queue rules - not cursing not spamming not trolling in chat keep it clean and simple banned list: 1. no owlbear pet -unmitigrated dmg killing in 3 secs 2. no drains - not fair play for smali guilds who dont have access to wards, so dont use them! ty rewards info: u need 200 points min for strongbox for at least 1 banner u need that enemy team will be at least under 3k hp how to set up channel: /bind "key" "channel_setcurrent i need banners" then press the key u choosen to be able to write in the channel

Message of the Day: we reach our goal! 500 members great job evl I we start prepeare for modę 9 changes to queue system... is now private... but we will allways open for invite ppl ,„tell ppl pm me ingame for an invite 2. we will try make pug even matches as best as we can .. no premade anymore in modę 9 ... unless it will be premade vs premade guilds epic matches ... 3.there will be banned from channel on the following things : using stamina and ap drains, using broken companions .. from now its owlbear that is banned ... we sync in 10 min window after heralds every hour starting 9:00 am pst till 18:00 pm pst... weekends sync- starting friday night till monday morning potentially we will sync morę or in diff times ( depands on demand in tiamat runs or pvp guild runs to avoid) and again only solo queue till we hit modę 9 and we can resolve this uneven premade issues... ty

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/100) • vtable) (0/3) ♦ stone Swift *■ endar \ tarle) Anvil


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