Peptide-chain transfer
Another round of accurate decoding
b Mistake
a No mistake
Premature termination
Figurc 1 Ribosomal matchmaking. a. Normally, Ihe correct tRNA (yellow) enters the A site ot the ribosome and the appropriate amino acid (red) is incorporated into the growing peptide chain, which transfers from tRNA in the P site to the tRNA at the A site. Both tRNAs, as well as the mRNA, then shift towards the E site. b, When mistakes are madę and the mismatched codon-anticodon helix (indicated by a red cross) translocates to the P site, the ribosomal complex becomes susceptible to premature termination by translation factors such as RF2, and the erroneous sequence is prematurely released.
From the following aiticle:
Protein synthesis: Errors rectified in retrospect
Kun Fredrick &. Michael lbba, Naturę 457,157-158(8 January 2009)