xp Iso Builder 1

xp Iso Builder 1

© -£3-

' WinFuture xp-Iso-Builder


1 Windows Source Disc



Step 1/11


Windows source disc

Version:    Windows XP Home with Service Pack 2


Language: English

Integration folder:    C:\Softpedia\SoftpediaTest

START :: Choose Folder / Drive...

After you have specified the location of the Windows CD, you can integrate a Service Pack.

Windows XP Seryice Pack 2 Windows 2000 Seryice Pack 4 Windows Server 2003 Seryice Pack 2

Integrate Seryice Pack...

Here you have to specify the Windows source disc. After that you can integrate the Seryice Pack. The integration should be run underthe sarnę operating system as the Seryice Pack is for

(for exarnple: The Seryice Pack 2 for Windows xp should be integrated under Windows XP).

Ali yersions of Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 with or without Seryice Pack are supported.

If you want to use a Recovery CD, you mustfirst conyert it into a "full-version" before you can select it as Windows source disc.

Convert Recovery Disc

If you have a recovery yersion of your Windows XP disc, you can conyert itto a fuli yaluable disc.



Conyert Recoyery Disc

Check for update...

Application on top


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