xp Iso Builder 2

xp Iso Builder 2


' WinFuture xp-Iso-Builder

Menii:    5 System settings

T] Preyious | Next | step 5/11


General ( System folders | Services | Pagefile | Fonts |

These settings will apply for all users, even for new users after installation


i 0 Activate quick launch bar ! 0 Associate .nfo-files with notepad.exe 0 Associate .sif-files with notepad.exe i 0 Classic control panel i 0 Classic file search | 0 Classic Log-on i 0 Deactivate CD autorun 0 Deactivate desktop clean-up wizard 0 Deactivate Iow diskspace rnessage i 0 Deactivate shortcuts in "My NetWork Places"

0 Delete last used documents folder frorn start menu i 0 Do not group tasks 0 No startmenu personalization

0 Open folder and files with single click instead of double click i 0 Rernove "Language Bar"

0 Rernove shared documents folder frorn My Computer i 0 Set menu reaction time on 200rns 1 0 Show sound volurne icon in systray $■0 Look & Feel $■0 Performance Ś'M Security

To irnprove the handling and make Windows morę user friendly, you can preset many different system settings, change paths of different Windows system folders and preset the pagefile. You should apply only known and farniliar settings.



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