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Engiish in 20 minutesad.
MicUt/nwier Cottaye W Ufie ki Tfm. -]F6
IZth AjOfJSt. 2.00Ą-
Pear fAr and Mrs Webber,
Ihark yoj (or 'jCA/r Kirtd awitat,on to the mamonę oP your daucfnter, Karen, to Mork on óept&nber 17+h, 2.004-at % p m ot 5t Mary's ćhrrch, Newport We are pieased to accept,
tffićł we look (orward to tneeti ng you al\
lours órncereiy.
CatruWa and Charles Forttnson
on Saturday we could Best wishes Thanks Lei me you are