Egressive sounds: produced when we breath the air out lngressive sounds: produced when we breath the air in
The iarnyx: air passes through them
after been modified in trachea
When vocal folds are tightly together the air is
compressed below them and the vocal folds get
separated suddenly and the air escapes in an explosive
way and the glottal stop is produced.
When they are loosely together the air passes through them makingthem vibrate and then voice sounds are produced.
Position free - the vocal folds are wide apart.
The opening is called the glottis and the air passes through the oppening and voicless sounds are produced.
The pharnyx: tubę that begins just above the
larnyx divided in 2 parts: back of the
mouth and nasal cavity, escape of the air in 3 ways:
-soft palate lowered and the air
escapes through the nose
and the mouth nasalized sounds,
-soft palate is lowered and a nasal outlet
is afforded to the airstream.
a complete obstruction is madę in some point in
the mouth and no orał eśpace is possible,
there may be some friction
in the soft palate, nasal sounds are produced
-the soft palate is held in its raised position
and air escpaes through
the mouth, orał sounds are produced
- there are 6: p,t,k,b,d,g
- glottal plosive is also presented but less important, used as an alt.
for pronunciation of p,t,k in some context
- differ in places of articulation:
p,b are bilabial, t,d are alveoral, k,g are velar
- PTK are always voiced
- BDG are depending from context: fuli voiced, partly voięed, voicless/
r-—toicing: Ib-rd^g) may be fully voiced durning their second stage when they occur in position betwean voiced sounds (labour, leader, windy, read) {to be, to do, to go).
I In other position initial and especially in finał \ positions following or preceding silience (b,d,g) may be \ only partially voiced or completely voicless (bill, done, gone, cub, bag) \ plosives can occur in word initial position, at the beginig,
\ in the medial position (betwean other sounds or at the finał position)
Aspiration of PTK
woicless series/p,t,k/when initial in an accendet syllable, are usually accompanied by aspiration, when /l,w,r,j,/ follow /p,t,k/ in such position the wuej (/n ĄriC&iuCi/i
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