Mcaturcmcnt of cxiłdng pands prcscnts considcrablc difficulty: hangings have boih shrunk and ttretched and in tomc CMC* bccomc dcformed over ihe centurie*; some havc bccn trimmed. Where panel* arc tuli tewn together, allowancc (usually ab out one-quaiUi of an inch for each edge) nnut be nudę for the team, and where sizes arę mendoned in recotds ii i* usually not elear whether ihey apply (o the flat panel as it left the nuker or to its reduccd size when wwn to adjoining pand*. The standard size laid down in the Córdoba ordinance of 1528 wat 0-625 x 0’JJJ m. (24!x 21 in.) and in Madrid 0-61 x 0-515 m- (M' in.), but regulations
were ofien diircgardcd. One of the inullest sizes encountered, 0-55x0-405 m. (21 x 16 in.), oceursin a hanging (Victoria and Albert Muteum - Inv. 715-1890-00 loan to the Mutcumof Leathercrafi) which simulates brocade and is Spaniih of the fifteenth or early iixtccnth ccntury (Platę 14). As will be scen, the largest group compruc* pands atu 0-76x o-6i m. (|OX 24 in.) which probably comc from Spoin, the Spanish Ncthctlands. France and Holland, and aie all of the Mvcnteenth or dghtecnth centuty, by which dme the Spanish regulabom no longcr had anyforce.
Some of the sourcc anzibonon* aie coojccmraL AD the dimemion* qooted ase approzinure. The fint dimetnion i* tbe heighc, the sccond the widtfa.
1-10x07) m. (4)}x 28J in.) 1-02x0-62 m. (40X 24} in.)
roox 070 m. ()p| x 27J in.) 075xo-62 tn. ()7|x 24} in.)
0-915x0-66 m. ()6x 26 in.) 0-88xo-8o m. (34) x 31} in.)
Flcmish, dghtcenth ccntury. Musee d‘Ansembourg, Licge.
French, dghtcenth centuty. Diderot, fiaytlftff, Planches III, ‘Doreur tur Cuir’, No. iiL
Dutch, scventccnth centuty. Rijksmuscutn, Amsterdam.
Wooden mould in V & A Mnseum: ? Englisb, seventccnth ccntury.
Flemish, dghteenth centuty; Licge, Mosce d‘Ansembourg.
Spanish or Fleswh, *evoxeenth-eighaemh ccntury, V & A Muteum (Imr. 472-1869).
Spanish, seventccnth-eighteenth ccntury; Madrid, Moseo de Araes Decocations: abo Pad*. Musee Cluny.
Ftenrh, *c«meenth-eiglnwi sh centuty; Parts, Musee da Ars Dccoratdś.