Hnpft of werk mambie ccrtiin Regulacjom had bccn madc whidi wcrc benefkial and profcable for che aflarn of Ok tndc and tlui you bcgged ofU* (o autborizc and confirm (hem; and 10 hacing regard to the łact (hu the making oC^mUmtń is very impoctaat, k beaog anicd to miny plam, jtt (herc w no law* ar Kgubboni u ihot mc in odia nada of lai imparunee, md fil rhh hming ban conadacd and dńcm«d with aat Couradlon and amin gendcmen, capem in (he aah. and found by afl (o bc vtiy good, pracdcabk and pro&abk for the uid jahmr*!— Wr hm dcddrd 10 imd Oor leoer ao (he lina nggentd and in consequena We piodjimthefóflowing Rulc*,thatis(osay:
(i) Fwtwcorderanddeatcdui atthebcginiungafeachyar.thickioiayonthefotdaycf January. aH ńte^śLmedkm gacha aogctha bcfcce One Ckik cf (he Cooncfl 10 dui they can dcct a Mana and iwo Antsono from (he bot of che mm aucmbled; the dccted muu pnepcKd the tndc ccamiiutions. Thcjr will then go co (he Town Council of (he City of Cdwobl, and there (he duce of them will take an oath alwayi to use wdl and iaidifully tbe Lawa and Regulabons oudined herdn for (he period of one year, having fuli powen to act according to the bat of their judgment.
(i) hem, We orda and deoec dat from che day on which these Our Lawi and Regulabons m pobkshed, nooe ihaO daxe (o inni or open m da City any borne or shop cf (he cdi of putitmcirtt withoot haróg becn prmoudy mminrd by (he abovc threc penom bdorc a Ckrk of the Cooncd. A fint of 1,000 mametsa* wdl be imposcd on any beaker ofthii law,one dard of it togo to the informel and twochirdsco the Cky CouoriL
(y) Itcm, We order and deoec chat whoever thall proce his skill and effidency shal be pnUidyprcscnscd by the said offidal witb a catificaic ofexamination.
(f) Abo it is ordered chat the leather worked by the j>wdtina//«w shall bc of good quality, from best ram only and not from ewt.f
(5) hem. We order and deoec thac the leather to be covcrcd with sitar most not bcthinoc fragik bccanse tramping may petforate it, bccause the mdc so spccifid and bccaosc they gam (wice what is aOowcd. Should a pitce be (band perfonted it mat « oncc be rejcctcd. The leather most not eonom too much limę becaosc the faished piece wdl tooo bteome
(O hem, itiscotnmandodthatthentar(faf) be ofgoodqualityand wdlshapodf andifitń
* Mmvedi. I( n Wnuafly imponibJc co cooiparc the rałue of Spumh mccej ef d* orfy i*h cenwy »*b tłiSI cf my modem cuncncy. The standard unii of the Casritian couugc of diii period was the gold rmUlnt er kw (liia mbced by dw ttnlt) which was the cquivakai cf appnwiauccly 11 iw// (ef dva) or J7J md (ef rdU. a matm cf sihtr mi coppa). A pemiiy of 1000 mmmtłb, ttmMf cquirJeac to 3.6 gsU dsan, wis ibac&n a coosidcribk tum, apcculły seeńg ihn in 1520 ihc cłuigt Łr a imjfc coaipkwd pmś dmlmĄ katod m&mmśfAmwmmtf 90 mimiiL | Ofthe m*ll, a hmd shoep. Sec pigc ad.
Z Tfcmueh ihrinkam.
f ofb—dwe,fafMdf^dmaghqrfmomóg,hdfad—hfcdyimdMyimr