


Pulmonary Function Testing—cont'd

Mguimol «pBu!oc>    Spitomeief ot

(WyoIuiih* cwvr    pneumojachoyaph

breaMng 60% He    to tecofd flow and

and 20% O,    V iw V y-okone

Closjng volumr Ctoung capacity

Airways iti the Iowcr lung zoncs closeat Iow lung yplumes and only those abeoli ar top ol lungs conlinue to empty. ffw.mie ronrnntratmn of NIn abeoli of upprr ronr*> is big) ter. tln- slope u! ihp mrvo abruptjy incteases (plute lVl. Pha^e IV' bcgins at larger lung yulumrs in indbiduaU willi men minor degrees of airway obslruclioo increasmg bolli CV and CC

Vol<%VC)    Voli%VC|

$ Dunng a maxunal esplratory maneuwr, resisrance to aeflow b nor maiły due to turtwlcnce and coflvettive $ accełeratinn. Hrr-.irhing I In, wh*rh is less deiise llian air. luwcrs resisłance and increases flow at .di bul thr S townJ yolumcs. In smali airway disease, resistancc to laniinar flow makt-s up largrr portion of total tesistancc £| and airflow s telatheły Independent of gasdenaly. Inueasc m exfxrj(ory fiówat 50% of VC wbili* bre.ithing f, He-Oj iJiVnia» sol will ho less, and yufome al whirfi flows whilc broalhlng Me-Oj andwłiile htoaihing airare « identiral (V iso Vi will be higher iii (Jiirients with smali airway disease tlun in norin.d mdwiduals

Ga* enchange

Partia! pressute ot O, In arteria! blood


Arteria) bćood i*, collectcd ar-aetobioilb In

Normal values

60 to 100 mm Hg brcalbing ronm air at sca k-vcl; falls slightfy with ag<


1 lyponcmia indicarlye Ol yentiLition/perfiision abnornulities. sliunK diffuSłon detect. abeoiar bypneentilalioo

Partial pressure of CO, in arteria! Uuod

hrparinired syn/łgo

36 to 44 mm Hr

P<«.. prnporliorul to ineiabołic rale tCO.. productioni and inveneły relalcil lo volume ot' aKeotir ventilation

Ai te? ml titoad pH


7.35 lo 7.45 pH

Acidosts (pH <7.35)

Keswatory linadesjuale abeolar viMUilatk>nl Metabolic (gam of add and/Oe loss or basel Alkalosts (pH >7.43)

Respiratory <excessive abeolar yentiblionl Metabolit. (gam of lwic or loss ot addl


Oj drffcrcncc-

i A-aOa, t A^Po,

c 10 mm Hg breathing

Ptiiiuiily reileciN nK>m,itching oł ventilation and perfusinn amf/or shunts; may abo bc atrected by diffusioii defccts

Ui*ad space/tkiol y-oiiime talio


Derwmined finm .eterial and fnlKcd ©tpiredPco,


flcvated ratio inrikaleswasteli vent2.1tinn; i.*.*., tbat tolwne of gatwbieb dnes not lakę pait in gas t*xchanRc

Shunt fraccio n


Oelermincd from Po, after a period of breathing 100% O,


Elev.ition indicalcs mtreasod amount ot mixed vm<Kis blood entering systemie ctrculatioo wilhnut i oming into cnntacl with aboolar ait. eitlier beeause ot sbunting of blood past lungs to left Side ol he.irt or perńrsion of repom of lung wh*h are not vent2at«l


Figurę 5.28 Tests oe Pulmonary Function—cont'd_

This figurę illusiraies pulmonary function tests and comparalivt? values for normal lungs and diseased lungs (obstructive or restriciive disease).



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