New Forms Taschen 220

New Forms Taschen 220

Bart Prince

Bo>n io Albuquerque, NM. in 1947 B Arch . Arizona Stale Unwersity (1970). Worked with Bruce Goff from !%8 to 1973. attitted him in the dc-.ign of the Pawlion for Japanese Art. Lot Angeles County Muteum of Art.

Lot Angelet. CA (1978-89), and completed the buildmg after Gofft death in 1982 Opened hit own architectural practice m 1973. Mam buildings:

Bart Prince Retidence and ttudio. Aibuquerque. NM (1983); Joe Pnce Retidence. Corona del Mar. CA (1986); Brad and lunę Pnnce Houte. Albuquerque. NM (1988); Nollan Retidence. Taot. NM (1993); Mead/Penhall Retidence.

Albuquerque. NM (1994); and Hight Retidence. Mendocmo County. CA (199S)

Aldo Rossi

Aldo Rotti wat born m Milan in 1931. Began ttudiet at Milan Polytechnic. 1949 Began workmg with Ernetto Rogert on the architecture magazme CitibelliContmuitl in 1956 Craduated from Milan Polytechnic. 1959. Eduor of Catabe//a- Continuili. 1964 Hit 1966 book Archittctun ind tht Gty it contid ered a tignificant ttudy of urban detign and thmking. Appomted profettor at Milan Polytechnic 1965; profettor at Federal Polytechnic of Zurich, 1972; Unńrertity of Venice. 1973 1990 Pntzker Prize. Significant work mcludet: Cemetary of San Cataldo, Modena. Italy (1971 -90); Teatro del Mondo. Veniee, Italy. Venice Biennale (1960); Sudliche Friednchttadt Houtmg Complen. Berlm, Germany (1981-88); Centro Torri Commercial Center. Parma. Italy (1985-88); II Palazzo Hotel. Fukuoka. Japan (1989); Modern Art Muteum. Vattivi*re. Limoutin. France (1988-90); and Office Tower. Memco City. Mexico(1994-. in progrett).

Schneider + Schumacher

Till Schneider, born m 1959. ttudied at the Unńrertity of Kaisertlautem Recewed diploma from the Techmtche Hochtchule. Darmttadt. Pottgraduate ttudiet at the Staathche Hochtchule ftir Biidende Kuntte. Stadeltchule. Frankfurt, in the datt of Peter Cook. Worked in of licet of Eitelc ł Fntz. Darmttadt. and Robert Murb. Karlsruhe. Created hit own office m Frankfurt with Michael Schumacher (1988). Michael Schumacher. born in 1957, alto ttudied at Unńrertity of Kaisertlautem Pottgraduate ttudiet at the Staathche Hochtchule fur Biidende Kuntte. Stadeltchule, Frankfurt, in the datt of Peter Cook. Worked m the Office of Norman Fotter, London, and Braun & Schlockermann, Frankfurt, before 1988 Mott important built work: office buildmg for J Walter Thompson. Frankfurt (1994-95). Mott ■mportant current job adminittratnre buildmg for KPMG (Deutsche Treuhandgeselltchaft). in Leipzig. tcheduled for mid-1997 completion.


James Wmet. foundmg pnncipal of SITE (Sculpture in the Emnronment) wat born m Chicago. IL. and ttudied art and art hittory at Syracute Unńrertity. BA 19S6. Betwecn 1965 and 1967 he wat a sculptor. He created SITE with AJiton Sky and Michelle Stone in 1970. Notable buiidmgt mclude: Indctermmate Facade Showroom. Houston. TX (1975); Ghott Parking Lot. Hamden. CT (1978); Highway 86. World Exposition, Vancouver.

Britith Columbia. Canada (1986); Four Contmentt Bndge, Hirothima. Japan (1989). Avenida 5, Unwersal Eihibmon. Sc»ille. Spam (1992); and Rottt Land mg Plaża and Park. Chattanooga, TN(1992)

Sir Richard Roger*

Bom in Florence. Italy. o( Bntith par entt m 1933. Richard Rogert ttudied at the Architectural Attociatkm in London (19S4-S9). HerecewedhisM. Arch de-gree (tom the Yale Umvertity School of Architecture m 1962 Created partner thipt with hit wife Su Rogert. Norman and Wendy Fotter (Team 4. London. 1964-66); and with Renzo Piano m London. Pant and Genoa (1971 -77) He created Richard Rogert Pannerthip in London(1977). He hat taught at Yale. and hat been Chairman of the Trusteet of the Tatę Callery, London (1981-89) Mam buiidmgt mdude: the Centre Ceorget Pompidou. Parit (with Renzo Piano, 1971-77); Uoyrft of London, headquartert (1978-86); Channel 4 teievition headquartert. London (1990-94); Daimler Benz Office build-mg. Pottdamer Platz. Berlin (1994-); and Bordeaur Palait de luttice (1993-).

Michael Rotondi

Bom in 1949 m Lot Angelet. Michael Rotondi recenred hit B Arch from the Southern Cahfomia Inttitute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) in 1973. He worked with 0MJM in Lot Angelet (1973-76). and collaborated with Peter de Bretteville and Craig Hodgettt from 1974 to 1976. He wat Director of the Graduate Detign Faculty at SCI-Arc from 1976 to 1987. Foundmg pnncipal of Morphotit with Thom Mayne. Michael Rotondi hat been the Director of SCI-Arc tmce 1987 He left Morphotit in 1991 and created hit pretent firm. RoTq, in 1993 Ongomg proiectt mclude the Nicola Rettaurant (Lot Angelet); COLT 1.2, Cedar Lodge Terrace, Sihrerlake (ttarted in 1989); and the Qwfk Houte. A recently detigned project it Ware houte C, a 210 m long ttructure to be built on landfill in the harbor of Nagasaki, Japan.

Josh Schweitzer

Bom m 19S3 m Cmcmnati, Ohio. Joth Schweitzer (B. A.. Pitzer College. Claremont. CA. M Arch , Univertity of Kantat. 1980), worked for Spence ♦ Webtter in London. PBNA m Kantat City. and Frank O Gehry in Santa Monica. before creatmg hit own part -nerthip, Schweitzer-Kellen in 1984. and hit own Office. Schweitzer BIM. opened in 1987. Betidet The Monument, hit completed work mcludet rettaurants tuch at Venue. Kantat City (1993). or the Cahfomia Chicken Cafe. Lot Angelet (1992) He recently completed the B19 Life Sportt Bar m Fukuoka. Japan. and hat begun work on a 4S0 ha Water Park/Hotel complex m Southern Japan. Alto recently completed. the Mottimo sport twear ttore at South Coatt Plaża (Cotta Meta. CA)

Alvaro Siza

Bom m Matotmhot. Portugal, m 1933. Ahraro Siza ttudied at the Unńrertity of Porto School of Architecture (1949-SS). He created hit own practice in 1954. and worked with Fernando Tavora from 1955 to 1958 He hat been a Profettor of Conttruction at the Unworsity of Porto tince 1976 He re-cewed the European Commumtyt Mięt »an der Rohe Prize in 1988 and the Pntzker Pnze in 1992. He built a large numbor of small-tcale project t m Portugal, and morę recently he hat worked on the rettructurmg of the Chiado. Luboń. Portugal (1989-); the Meteorology Center. Barcelona. Spam (1989-92); the Vitra Furniture Factory, Weil am Rhem. Germany (1991-94); theOporto School of Architecture. Oporto Unwertity (1986-95); and the Uniyertity of Aveiro Libr ary., Portugal (1988-95)



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