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Itsuko Hasegawa Ittuko Hategawa wat bom in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1941. She graduatcd from Kanto Gakum Uniyartity tn Yokohama in 1964 Aftcr work mg in ih« atelier ot Kryonon Kikutaka (1964-69). the wat a retearch ttudent m the Da pan mcm ot Architactura ot the Tokyo Inttitute ot Tachnoloqy She wat tubteguently an atsittam ot Kazuo Shinohara in thc tama tchool (1971-78) before creatmg Ittuko Hategawa Atelier (1979) in Tokyo. Her built work mcludet houtat •n N en ma (1986). Kgmamoto(1986), and Higethnamagawa (1987). In mora recent yaart, the Itat built on a larger tcala: Shonandai Cultural Center. Fujitawa. Kanagawa (1987-90);

Othima machi Picture Boofc Mutaum. Imizu, Toyama (1991 -94). and the Sumida Culture Factory. Sumida. Tokyo (1991-94) Shewattherunnerupinthe 1993 compatition for the naw Cardift Bay Opara Houta. Shahet lectured at Watada Unhrertrty, at tha Tokyo Inttrtuta ot Technology, and in 1992 at tha Harvard Craduata School ot Detign

Hodgetts ♦ Fung

The pnncipalt of Hodgattt * Fung. creatad in 1984. arc Craig Hodgattt (B A OberlinCollege. M. Arch . Yale) and Hsin-Ming Fung (M. Arch , UCLA) Atide from tha Towell Tamporary Library at UCLA. thair work indudet tha Ciek & Flick Agancy m Hollywood; a parmanant tolar airhibition enyiron mant at EMR't Bad Oaynhautan f jol iły. L.A Ant Park in tha Sapulvada Batm. Hemdale Film Corporation Office facility. L.A.; and the Vito Retidence (Hollywood) Thay detigned tha arhibrtion 'Bluepnntt for Modem Lrvmg* at tha MoCA Tamporary Contamporary. and ara currantly work -ing on a trauoling aihibition of tha work of Charles and Ray Eamet. tclted uladtoopan m Wathmgton in 1997.

Arata Isozaki

Bom in Oita City on tha Itland of Kyuthu m 1931. Arata Itozaki gradu atad from tha Architectural Faculty of tha Uniyartity of Tokyo in 1954 and et-tablithed Arata Itozaki & Attociatet in 1963. havmg worked in tha offica Kanzo Tanga. Wmner of tha 1986 Royal Inttituta of Bntith Architactt Cołd Medal, ha het baan a juror of major compatitiont tuch at that hałd m 1988 for tha naw Kantai International Airport Notable buildmgt mcluda' tha Mutaum of Modern Art. Cunma (1971 -74); tha Ttukuba Center Buildmg. Ttukuba (1978-83); tha Mutaum of Contamporary Art, Lot Angelet (1981 -86); Art Towar Milo. Mito(1986-90); Team Ditney Buildmg, Flonda (1990-94). and B-con Plaża. Oita (1991 -95). Currant projeett in-duda Higathi Shizuoka Plaża Cultural Complen. Shizuoka; and Ohio t Center of Science and Induttry (COSI), Columbut. Ohio.

Toyo ItO

Bom m 1941 m Saoul. Korea, Toyo Ito graduatad from tha Uniyartity of Tokyo in 1965. and worked in tha offica of Kiyonon Kikutaka until 1969 He era-atad hit own office in 1971. attummg tha na mc of Toyo Ito Architect & Attociatet in 1979 Hit completed work mcludet; tha Silyer Hut retidence. Tokyo (1984); Towar of tha Windt. Yokohama. Kanagawa (1986). Yattuthiro Municipal Mutaum Yattuthiro, Kumamoto(1989-91); and tha Elderty Peoplet Home (1992-94) and Fira Station (1992-95). both locatad m tha tama city on tha itland of Kyuthu Ha participatad m tha Shanghai Luijiazui Center Area International Plannmg and Urban Detign Contultation in 1992. and hat built a Public Kmdergarten Frankfurt - Eckenheim, Germany (1988-91).

Herzog & de Meuron

Jacquat Herzog and Pierra da Meuron wereboth bom in Batcl m 1950 Thay receiyed degreet m architactura at tha ETH in Zurich m 197S. attar ttudymg with Aldo Rot ii. and tounded thair tirm Herzog & da Meuron Architactura Studio in Batel in 1978 Thair built work mcludet tha Antipodet I Student Houting at tho Univertit6 da Bourgogne. Dijon (1991 -92); tha Ricola Europa Factory and Stor aga Building m Mulhouta (1993); and a gallery for a P'i»ate collecnon of contamporary an mMunich(1991-92) Mott notably thay wara chotan aarly in 1995 to detign tha naw Tata Cellary ertention for contamporary an, to ba tnuated in tha Banktide Power Station. on the Thamat, oppotite St Paul t Cathadral

Steven Holi

Bom m 1947 m Bramanon. Wathmgton. B Arch.. Univertityof Wathmgton. 1970. in Roma and at tha Architectural Attociation m London (1976) Bagan hit caraar m California and opanad hit own offica in Naw York in 1976. Hat taught at tha Uniyartity of Wathmgton. Syrecute Umvertity. and. tmce 1981. at Columbia Umvertity. Notable buildmgt Hybnd Buildmg. Seatide. FL(1984-88). BarlmACB Library. Barlm. Carmeny, compatition entry (1988); Void Spaca/Hmgad Speca, Houting. Nanut World.

Fukuoka. Japan (1989-91); Stratto Houta. Oallat. TX (1989-92); Makuhan Houting. Chiba. Japan (1992-97). and Mutaum of Contamporary Art.

Heliinki. Fmland (1993-97).

Franklin Israel

Bom m 1945 in Naw York. Franklin itrael wat educated at tha Uniyartity of Panntylyania. Yale and Columbia Ha received tha Roma Pnza m Architactura in 1973. and worked with Ciovanni Patanalla in Naw York, and Llewełyn-Daviat, Waakt. Forettier-Walker and Bor in London and Tehran bafora be Corning an art diractor at Paramaunt Picturat (1978-79), participatmg in film projeett m Lot Angelet. Chma and tha Philippmat. Ha creatad hit own firm. Franklin D. Itrael Detign Attociatet. in 1983. Hit completed projeett mcluda officet for Propaganda Filmt in Hollywood, and Virgm Recordt in Beverty Hillt. Confirmmg hit ciota connectiont to tha movie mduttry. ha hat alto dengned a Malibu bo ach houta for Robert Altman. Franklin Itrael died in 1996.

Philip Johnson

Bom m Cleveland. Ohio (1906)

Haryard. BA (1930). Haryard. 8 Arch. (1943) Founder and Diractor. Oepart ment of Architactura. Mutaum of Modern Art. Naw York (1932-34. and 1945-54). Wrota TheInttrnttiontl Szyfe. with Henry-Ruttell Hitchcock (1932) on tha occation of landmark enhibit at MoMA. 1979 Pritzker Pnza Oigamzed 1988 onhibition Daconttructiyitt Architactura. at MoMA with Mark Wigley Workt Philip Johnton Houta. Cambridge. Mattachutattt(1942); Philip Johnton Houta, New Canaan. Connecticut (1949); Saagram Buildmg, New York (with Ludwig Miot van dar Rohc). (1958). Botton Public Library, addmon (with Architactt Detign Group), (1973); Pannzoit Place. Houtton (1976);

AT&T Haadquart art Building. Naw York (1979); PPG Building. Pitttburgh. Panntylyania (1981); IBM Towar, Atlanta. Georgia (1987); Cathadral of Hopa. Oallat. Tenet (1996-2000)

Biocraphies 229


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