Paradiddle Power is a study of the many applications of single, double, and triple paradiddles around the drumset. The materiał in this book is designed to increase your speed and creativity with paradiddle sticking, and mastery of the exercises here will greatly improve your ability to move around the drumset with paradiddle com-binations.
The book is divided into six main sections: The first three involve, respectively, single, double, and triple paradiddles in 16th-note and triplet form. Each of these sections is further divided into six parts. Part 1 uses the paradiddle orchestrated around three drums: snare drum, smali tom, and large tom. In Part 2, a second rack tom is added to the drumset configuration. Part 3 explores paradiddles and cross-sticking. Part 4 of each section deals with the use of single, double, and triple paradiddles as rock, funk, and shuffle beats with varied bass drum patterns. Paradiddles as rock fi lis comprise Part 5, followed by paradiddle combinations as jazz fills in Part 6.
Sections 4, 5, and 6 of the book explore morę advanced concepts: single paradiddles in triplets, double paradiddles in 16th notes, and triple paradiddles in triplets. Be prepared to devote extra time to these advanced sections.
To get the most benefit from Paradiddle Power, adhere to the following rules: 1) Be surę you're totally comfortable with the three basie paradiddle stickings (single, double, and triple) before attempting the individual exercises. 2) Repeat each exercise fifteen to twenty times before moving on. 3) Practice each pattern slowly at first, and do not increase the tempo until you've mastered the pattern. Accuracy is morę essential than speed. 4) Though the bass drum is not notated in parts 1, 2, and 3 of each section, be surę to practice all the exercises with the bass drum on beats 1,2,3, and 4 of every measure. 5) The use of a metronome or drum machinę is rec-ommended to ensure a steady time flow.
Notę: While a good deal of the materiał offered here may work well in a Iive context, musical taste, restraint, and discretion are ofthe utmost importance. Facility on the drumset is essential. However, the application of any technical materiał must always be applied in an intelligent, tasteful, and musical manner.
The following key is used throughout the book:
HH: Hi-Hat With Stick
ST: Smali (Left Rack) Tom
SD: Snare Drum
LT: Large Tom
BD: Bass Drum
HHF: Hi-Hat With Foot
CYMB: Ride Cymbał
MT: Medium (Right Rack) Tom