

Design development


Necklines and their

AJthough neckline facmgs can be modoileo dunng toilo developm«nt, it is simpler to draw them on to the to<le and tracę them off to make a pattern dunng the trueing up stage

Modclling with tissue paper

This is a quick and inexoonsrve wav of practismg neckline design Tracę off a paper copy of the top 20cm (8") Cf both left and right sides ot a pcevioos błock, pin the shoulder seams together ano pin to stand D-aw n the fuli neckline on both $ides of the stand, maintalring right anglts to centre front and back. After modellirig. tracę off cnly tho right hand sice. to ensure a ‘mirror image' when Cut double. The new neckline can be raccd Oh to any other błock, or separate blocks traced Off. each with a different neckline, sovirg the brnę and effort of modeli ng a wnolc błock simpy to Change the neckline

U) Hign roonii n*c*li«*» roed a tac Ing.

Mork 3 point* 5cm <2Vt'l feon» n»p*. idł r**ck ani front neck. Join these point* In a »moO!h corve. Comploted pittern.

101 For • lo««r roond neckline. m*rk Ute nev% po*-:ion In a smooth cu«ve, mainteinine right englet *1 centre łrort onO contrę b*:k. Coottrocl the Iłcinfl Sem <2V4"» Irom thi*

I ne. Comptetod paltom


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