4 Przeczytaj ulotkę o wycieczce autokarowej.
See the splendour of our city from «in open-top bus.
Dcparts from the Embankmcnt on the hour from 10 a.m. to 5 p/n. seven days a week Our cxpert guidcs givc the history of this famous city in frve languages.
The tour lasts one hour and takes you past somc of the finest ołd buildings n the city.
liluUs XI0 Childmi fmuNr II) £5
Dopasuj odpowiedzi do pytań.
1 How long does the tour last?
2 Where does the tour start?
3 What time does the first tour start? * When is the łasi tour?
3 Where does the tour go?
6 How much does it cost?
al It goes past some fine old buildings bl The Emhankment
cl €10.00 for adults and £5.00 forchildren dl One hour. el 10 a m f) 5 p m
Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki.
buildings tour excursion sightseeing tourist
When I visit a new country I like to go...................I like to see all the old
...................... Usuaily I go on a............. of the city wilh a guide
JUIIILIIIHL3 i gu uii on ..................... wui.MUt Hic uiy iu mu « cdMle ui et gdiueu.
I enjoy being a ....... in a foreign country'
74 English in 20 minutes a day