after punched in the bus. Students are given 50% discount on ticket fares (after showing their student cards during control). You can buy a ticket from driver of the bus/tram.
The three cities are interconnected by a local train called SKM (Szybka Kolej Miejska- The Fast City Train). The journey between the main stations of Gdańsk and Gdynia lasts about 35 minutes. In rush hours the train leaves every 10 minutes, at other times every 30 minutes, with break between 1 and 4 a.m. There is a distance-limit system of fares on SKM, so while buying ticket you should say where you want to get to. The ticket must be punched at railway station, before ascending the train. Studenfs are given 37% discount on ticket fares. You can buy a tickets in ticket Office next to station or in the ticket machinę in the platform station (this one are automatically punched). There are also a large system of taxi transportation.
The bus linę 143, is connected a dormitory no. 9 with Faculty of Management.
You can check the timetable at the website:
http ://ztm .tro im iasto. pl/rozklad v/rozkl ad v/l i n ia-143. htm I 4.5. Health Insurances:
EU Students should ensure to bring the Health Insurance issued at their home country (valid for the whole period of studenfs staying at UG). To get morę information you can visit the web page of the Polish National Health -
Non-EU students are required to have commercial Health Insurance (valid for the whole period of studenfs staying at UG) which covers medical costs and consequences of any accidents. Health Insurance Card will be verified after Students arrival.