



A. Discuss the questions with a partner.

1.    What are some dangerous activities that people do for fun?

2. ' Would you like to try any of these

activities? Why, or why not?


B. Read the statements. Orcie T for true, F for false, and NI for no Information (if the answer is not in the reading).

1.    Fuguareakindofpoisonousfish. £ F NI.

2.    People in Japan eat fugu

because it's very cheap.    T ©• NI

3.    Restaurants in Japan ar°n't allowed

to sell some parts of a fugu. T F NI

4.    Fugu live only in the sea around

Japan.    T F (NI,

5.    Scientists know exactly where the toxins in fugu come from.

in Japan £_.

that aren't dangerous.

7. Fugu is safe to eat after it is

cooked.    T jj|(Nlj

C. Match the sentence parts to show the reasons.

1.    Fugu chefs must pass a difficult test ^

2.    People like to eat fugu liver ę_.

3.    Selling fugu liver is not allowed

'    .Y

4.    Fugu must be prepared carefully J^.

5.    Noguchi did experiments with fugu

+ -ą. to produce fugu with no toxins * & because only some parts are safe to eat -t & because it makes the mouth tingle because their mistakes can kill people + ą. because it is too dangerous

Fugu, or puffer fish, is a famous and exotic food in Japan. li can also be deadly. People who eat the liver, skin, or some other body parts of the fish swallow a poison called tetrodoxin, which stops human nerve cełls from working. Thcy risk dying—just like a famous Japanese actor named Mitsuguro Bando. In 1975, he spent an evening with friends eating fugu liver, because he enjoyed the tingling fechng it created in his mouth. But that tingling was caused by the poison. Soon, Bando couldnt move his arms or legs. Then he had trouble breathing. Eighl hours later, he was dead.

106 Danaer


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