

1 Answer the questions with short answers.

Odpowiedz na pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi.

1 Have you ever seen a monster in your dreams?

4 Have you ever seen photos of a UFO?

2 Have you ever stayed in a haunted house?

5 Have you ever believed in a ghost story?

3 Have you ever heard about mysterious creatures living in the mountains?

6 Have you ever heard strange voices in the dark?


2 Look at the picture. What were they doing when the teacher came into the classroom?

Spójrz na ilustrację. Co robili uczniowie, kiedy nauczycielka weszta do klasy?

When the teacher came into the classroom:

1 When I / do / my homework yesterday/ my grandma / arrive.

2 Jane / cross / the Street / when she / see / the queen / in her Rolls Royce.

3 John / read a book / when he / hear / a noise.

4 The kids / skate / in the park / when it / start / snowing.

5 We / walk our dogs in the park / when we / meet / our teacher.


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