
Shape-changing alien race




Tarnax IV, Andromeda Galaxy


Fantastic Four vol. 1 *2

, SknJ warsłiips aro dosigned to { protect tho paranołd spooes. *

Shapeshdiinc) permits raciical changes in swe. shapo. and colon Hesjwns roach 200 years on avoroge

The Skrulls are an ancient species originating in the Andromeda Galaxy, possessing humanoid configurations and predominantly reptilian physiologies.Tlie cosmic beings known as the Celestials vLsited the species’ birthworld of Skrullos long ago, and created Skrullian equivalents to Earth s E and Deviants. The I)cviant Skrulls exhibited the ability to shapeshift, and soon wiped out all competing racial branchcs.An offshooc of the shapeshifting Skrulls left the planet and became known as the Dntr Wraitiis, later to becotne persistent enemies of Rom the Spaccknight.


Aftcr forging an intcrstellar empire, tlie Skrulls encountered the primitivc Krce. who murdered the Skrull contact team and stole their starship technology. A Kree armada soon attaeked the Skrulls. triggering the cons-long Kree-Skrull War. Skrull seientists later developed the first Cosmic Cube. which gained semience and decimated the Skrull empire. eventually evolving into the Suaim-.r uf Womos.The Skrulls bounced back from this tragedy, establishing an Imperial throneworld on Tarnax IV from which the supreme 1 emperor could oversee the worlds of the Andromeda Galaxy and receivc tribute from conquered vassals.

Sknils can after their appearanoes to duplicate anyono. but can bo shocked into droppmg their dsguses d thoy aro hurt or knockod out.

T)te Sknils have taken a socrot rote h FartMy aftars. trsng thoir sltapeshrtng powars to impersonato wortd teaders.


n the modern era, the Skrulls became aware of the threat posed by Earth s superhumans. They placcd agents on Earth, but thesc were defeated by the Fantastic: Four. In response. the Skrull emperor DorrekVII created the Supkr-Skrui i . who possessed the powers ofcach member of the Fantastic Four. The Skrulls also engineered an elitę class ofWarskrulls, agents that could duplicate the powers of other beings when they assumed those beings’ shapes. Notable Skrull undervover .igents haw included Lyja mi. Łasi juki.


Aftcr Galactus dcvoured the throneworld ofTarnax IV. the Skrull empire erupted in civil war. The mad Skrull Zabyk detonated a hyper-wave bomb that removed the shapeshifting ability from all Skrulls. freezing them in whatevcr shape they had assumed. The Super-Skrull escaped the bomb s effeets. and restored the species* shapeshifting powers through an alliance with the Sii.vkr Surikr and Skrull empress S’Byll. The Skrulls have sińce joined the Intcrgalactic Council. an organization composcd of rcprcscntativcs from many alien cultures. dw


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