Enhanced strength and
Chandilar (Aerie). Shiar Galaxy
Uncanny X-Men vo). 1 #97 Febnjary. 1976
CURRENT MEMBERS AND PO WE RS GLADIATOR (LEADER) Fl>ght. enhanced strength. speed, near-invulnefBbility, heat vision ASTRA Abtlity to phase through solid objects ELECTRON Power Over ełectricity and magnetism FANG (DECEASED) Enhanced strength. speed. and senses: razor-sharp claws HOBGOBLIN/SHAPESHIFTER (DECEASED) Could assume nearty any form IMPULSE/PULSAR Energy-based body can be reieased as concussive lorce MIDGET/SCINTILLA Can shrink to tiny size NIGHTSHADE/NIGHTSIDE Can draw others into the Darkforce dimension MAGIOUE Ablirty to cast lllusions
MENTOR Genius-leveł Intelligonce and boosted calculating speed ORACLE: Telepathy. precognition. and ability to fire mental blasts OUASAR/NEUTRON Enhanced strength and damage resistance STARBOLT Flight. energy projection
SMASHER Enhanced strength
Ability to release electńcal bolts TITAN Can grow to giant size BASE
Chandilar (Aerie). Shi*ar ■
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 a 107 (October. 1977)
The Shi’ar arc an alien species descended froni avians, who typically sport feathery hair and soinetimes vestigial wings. Unlike the rival Skrull and Kree empires, the Shi’ar Imperium consists of a patchwork of alien specics. cach absorbed into the empire through treaties or by force.A hereditary Majestor (małe) or —' Majestrbc (femalc) rules the Imperium.
overseeing a Higli Council under tlte protection of the Elitę Corps ofthe Shi’ar Imperial Guard.
The Shi’ar arc aggrcssivc about absorbing other cultiires into tłicir empire, thougli the newconiers scldom rcceive the same rights as the Shi’ar thcmselvcs. Majestrix Lilandra has mado strides to rcvcrse tliis incquality. but under the leadership of Majestor D’ken, the cruel treatment of alien s1avcs triggered the formation of the pirates callcd tlie Scarjammers.
The first contact between the
Shi'ar and Earths heroes occurred when the X-Mln stopped Lilandra s brother D’ken from exploiting the powerful M*Krann crystal. Lilandra subseąuendy became the Majestrix ofthe Shi’ar F.mpirc. briefly losing her throne to her sister Deathbird until gaining it once morę. Lilandra and Profcssor X of the X-Mcn enjoyed a romantic relationship for years.
When Skrull undereover agent* helpcd tan the dames of war between the Shfar and the Kree, a team of Aecngers
Maiestor D"Ken raiod to hołd orno tho Shi‘ar throno.
The X*Men łwve bocn staunch afcos of Lilandra's. ttwnks to her romantic lioison with F>rołttssor Charies Xavier.
The M'Krann ciystal is an artifacł oI łmmeose powor iocated on a Metess wortd. Il has lho abiNty to destroy a* ot reoMy
• Uncanny X-Men #107-109
lho X-Mcn batti© the Shiar lrn|x«ttii Guard m o f-ght invoMng D'ken, I darwlm. and tho M‘Krann crystal.
• Naw X-Mon # 118-126
Tl »h -imperial' storyarc sccs Cassandra Nova. tho v*lalnous gonotic twin of Professcr X. lacrtchng a scheme to nin the SłuTir empro.
journeyed to the Shi’ar homeworld to negotiate a ccssation of hostilities with Majestrix Lilandra. Ultimately. the Avengers could not prwent the detonation of the nega-bomb. a Shrar weapon that exterminated morę chan ninety perccnt ofthe Kree population. It latcr bccame apparent
that the Kree Supreme Intclligcnee had guided the ereation ofthe nega-bomb, in the hope of jumpstarting Kree evolution.Thc Shi'ar won the war. and anncxed ;ast swatlis of the dcvastated Kree empire. Lor a time, athbird servcd as the viceroy ofthe conqucrcd territories. nnnd-controlling villainess Cassandra Nova rccently usurped dras authority. ineiting violence between the Shi’ar and the en of Earth until her manipulations bccame known. DW