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1 Read the following text to find out about the history of Wipro Technologies.


Wipro is one of Indias biggest software and electronics companies. Its customer list includes Sony, Microsoft and Nokia and it generally makes a yearly profit of over $200 million. But Wipro is also an example of a company which began as something very different from what it is now.

Mr M.H. Premji originally founded the company in the 1940s. At that time it was called Western India Vegetable Products Ltd and it manufactured vegetable oil and soap. Mr Premjis son, Azim Premji, went to Stanford University in Califomia to study engineering but he did not finish his studies. In 1966, following the death of his father; he returned to India and took over the business. Under Azim Premji, the company began a programme of expansion and started to produce a number of other completely different products.These included lights and baby care products.

In the I970s and I980s, the government's economic policies stopped many multinational companies from trading in India. Global IT companies like IBM left the country and Wipro moved into this field. Azim Premji set up the first IT business in Bangalore in 1980 and the company soon expanded into other IT areas such as system design. In the 1990s, the government reopened the markets and many multinational companies returned to India. At the same time, Wipro began working on product engineering for customers in the USA and also launched a global IT services division.

In 2001, the magazine Business Today named Wipro Indias most valuable company and Azim Premji is now one of the richest men in the country.

2 Put the verb in brackets in the sentences (1-6) below into the past simple

form, either affirmative or negative, to make true sentences about Wipro.

1    Mr M.H. Premji, the founder, .di&.wftt.G&ll the company Wipro Technologies, (cali)

2    Mr M.H. Premji....................the company in the 1940s and 1950s. (run)

3    In the 1940s, the care products. (make)

4    In the 1970s and 1980s, the government....................the activity of

multinational companies in India, (limit)

5    During the 1980s, India, (operate)

6    In the 1980s, Wipro....................customers in the USA. (have)

UNIT 3 Company history

3 Now write questions for the following answers.

1    .Y/beyy.did...Afc..AlVi...Premii.iouiod.. +he..conopan^?.. In the 1940s.

2    Vegetable oil and soap.

3    Stanford University in California.

4    In 1966.

5    Because of the government’s economic policies.

6    In 1980.


1 Rachel Elnaugh started a company called ‘Red Letter Days’. The

company provides special, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, such as flying a piane, which you can give to people as presents. Read these notes about Rachel Elnaugh.

I94S; born.m Cl&e-lw,sford, "WK________________________—_______

1953: i&St sc.UoaJLf muł ła worK m ac^o^ła-nł^s c^-fice . 195S:w,£7Vfi-<d .to Uo-tuio^ twcrKe-d as łAX ca-asi/dUratfił-_______________

1959; kad idea -for cotKpwyj 'Red    .....

_______________tryiinft fo -Pi*td a sp&cial birfkda^^feSfe-iiŁAas k»ir *fałŁiifrr..)_

1991 l. słarłe-d adve.trłisi*t^ La. -wałic-waJ? -new.spap£r_s___.______________

... 2.000 tcper-w&d bra^iek ja Sc-ołJta-wd______:_________________

_ZOOŁfiope.-ned łkird ołłioe .........__—-—-—_—„-------------- 2.Q0£:AxC^a-K mys-słute-wł ao-ws^J^a-Ha^- TccK we-r łke tt^-nAg-ewte-nł...

_____ o-f łk&    _______________________'    ______J_____ ________

2 You work for ‘Red Letter Days’ and need to write a short profile of the company’s founder to put on the company website. Using the notes above, write the profile. Remember to put in any smali words which are missing like pronouns and articles.

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UNIT 3 Company history



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