1 Read thc email below to find out wliat two qucstions Jennifer lias about the archacołoglcal cxpedition.
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Vjr , t-'v-
Find these words in the email, which are all quite formal. and explain their meaning. a requesting e impression
b forthcoming f challenge o/’ •-
c hołd g address
d acquired
©Kmails tan be formal or inlormal. depending on who Is writing to who. Uso language appropdate to the context and do not mix jpgistere.
3 M.itch the beginnings (a-e) and endings (1-5) of these requcsts for Information, and cxpl.un the meaning of the underlined words. a 4 I am writing to teflUCSt 1 2
b,2l would be most grateful if , ' '' c £ A prompt reply to this email d i I look forward to . ,
c) Finther to our recont telephone coiwcrsjiion.
1 licatiag froin you. v \
2 you could tfiscomLlu these aunrięs s.wilUy.
3 could you clarify how much money you reqnire as a deposit?
4 further information about the trip featured on 'yutn'Wthflitfe. ’•
I rocentiy saw your advortisetnent requesting voluntoors for tho forthcoming archaootogical dig in Peru, and I should very much like to take part In the oxpodition.
Although I hołd no formal qualrfications In archaeology, I havo been on a number of archaoological digs and have acquirod a good knowlodgo of the processes involvcd.
I considcr mysolf to bo a good team player and am also onthusiastic and advonturous.
I have two quorios about thc oxpodition. Firstly, it waan't elear exactly how long volunteers were oxpcctod to stay in Peru. Secondly, could you give me a clearer improssion of the lovel of physical challenge tho holiday would lnvolve? Although I am physically fit, I would not consider mysolf particularly athletic. Would I bo ablc to cope wlth this oxpodition?
would be grateful if you could addross thosc qucnes beforo tho weekend, as I am kecn to finnlise my holiday pluns soon.
Thank you. Jennifor Mason