Thcn wiiu> an email of 120-150 words volunieerinj; lo t.ikc* parł .md requesting inform.ition
We are lookmg, for voluntoers lo join a conservatioo exocdition to a rcmoie region of Costo Rica. We will be rcscarching wiioiife m the rainforest und in the waters close to the coast.
Memoers wtl! camp out in groups far nway from towns and vi!loges. There is no road access - ail lourneys are madę by kay.ik nnti sco canoe. Evciy eupodition member should therefore be physicalty fil and a strong swimmor.
Some knowicdge of Spanlsh is deslrablo fo* this expedition os this wouki aiiow you to mteract with the local community morę easiiy. No previous cupcricnce of conseivalion is required as fuli trainmg will be given on the two-weck iniroductory course
lo apoiy oi send a qucry click on the link betów.