.1. Wstaw czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie.
^O- Don t touch (not, touch) thln wiro until I totl (tołl) you to do ił.
1. Ili_(be ) you. I_(noi. even.
talk) to this terrible boy.
2 When Susan (return) (rom schód. she
łleed) Ginger
3. I wish I (not. tell) Dorothy about my
probtems, now everybody will know.
4 it's their lauli entirely They_(win) this
cornpetilion ii they_(practiso) every day,
5 Lefs wait until she (arrive)
6 11 my boss (give) mo a rise, I
(btry) a new Computer
7. 11 ooly my parents (ailow) me 10 come
back borne alter midnight
8. I_(cali) the police uniess you_
<leave) my property immediately.
9 II Susan (eat) nuls. she _ (gel)
a rash
10. II you (not. lie) to me. I (help) you
53.2. Sparafrazuj poniższe zdania,
wykorzystując podane słowa.
I buto when iny huaboncJ wotchco T V wbłlc we re having dinner.
rO' if ooly iiiy husband ckdnt watch TV wh le woro hawng dinner.
1. It s a pity we haven t gol a bgger garden
I _
2 Don t Work so hard or you will get sick
II _
3 Sheila Gidn t go to the party and thafs why she didn’t meet Brion
4 l'm sorry that I łocgol to cali you
5 l'm so unhappy lhol my girllriend is careless wilh money
Wybierz właściwe słowo.
<&• i dont !ike partlos llke that but if/when I go. I II try to havo a good tirne.
1. Susan is go mg to vnsit Peter. She wll cali him before/if she leaves.
2. Everyday Peter s dad comes home at seven If/when he comes earl er today. he will have to wait lor his dinner.
3. I may go to that mwrtJng If/when i go i'ti take yoo with me.
4 Ted nas to Dnish this protect belore 5 He will give it to his boss if/when it is mady
5 I might boy thosc shoes But if/wticn I boy them. II soend ail the money I have
6 ll/whcri they don’! como cn limę, we will start without Ihem
53.A . Przetłumacz na język angielski.
Gdybym me kupita samocłiodu. to musiałabym teraz jozdzić do pracy autobusom.
'9- ir I hadn t bought tho car. I woułd hove to go to work by bus
1 Zawołaj mme. kiedy bodziesz golowa
2 Na twoim miejscu nie prosiłabym szelo o podwyżkę
3. Jeśli nie będziosz podlewał kwiatów, lo zginą. 4 Szkoda, że me mieszkasz w sąsiedztwie
5 Gdyby tytko moi pacienci byli bardziej punktualni'
6. Jeśli będzie ładna pogoda, pojadę do szkoły na rowerze.
fault»»w • property • rash • wirepwwJj
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