Starting Position: Sit correctly on the bali in optimal posturę (see page 27).
Movement/Exercise: Begin bouncing by pushing feet into the floor and tightening thigh and hip muscles to slightly lift trunk, relax. Continue bouncing by alternating tightening and relaxing these muscles as vigorously as balance, coordination and comfort allow in optimal posturę.
Breathing: Monitor heart ratę. If winded, bounce less vigorously.
Modification: Lightly touch hands to bali or stable object for balance assistance.
Beats/min_ Repeat Times
Comments: Bouncing on the bali helps to align spine in optimal posturę and acth/ates the muscles around spine to tighten and support it. Bouncing tor extended periods can increase postural endurance tor unsupported sitting and standing.
© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT