Starting Position: Sit correctiy on the bali in optimal posturę.
Movement/Exercise: Using hips, gently roli bali from side to side as far as possible allowing ankles and knees to participate in the movement. Keep shoulders level.
Modification: Lightly touch hands to bali or stable object for balance assistance.
Progression: Feel the point where balance is challenged and hołd for five seconds. Return to start.
Purpose/ Goal:
CommBnts: Notice if movemenl is equal to both sides. Movement restrictions could be caused by many factors. This exercise can gently mobitize the spine in side bending and expand the ribs. It can be a gentle rangę ot motion and proprioceptive exercise for the hips, knees and ankles. This exercise can also be used effectively tor improving balance skills.
© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer. PT