Datę_ Name.
Starting Position: Sit correctly on bali in optimal posturę.
Movement: Place one arm forward and other arm backward. Switch arms in a swinging motion. Add bouncing in same tempo.
Breathing: Monitor heart ratę. If winded, bounce less vigorously.
1. Only swing one arm at a time.
2. Touch bali or stable object with other hand for balance assistance.
Progression: Increase difficulty by swinging arms higher and/or increasing tempo (speed of bouncing and swinging). Add light weights to wrist or hands.
Boats/min_ Weights_
Mupeat_Times Do_Times/day
i'ommanls: By moving the arms, the balance and slability of the spine are furlher challenged and I umil ml o will also increase.
ci iuir. by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT
Starting Position: Sit correctly on bali in optimal posturę.
Movement: Clap hands in front of body, then behind. Add bouncing in tempo.
Breathing: Monitor heart ratę. If winded, bounce less vigorously.
1. Only swing one arm at a time.
2. Touch bali or stable object with other hand for balance assistance.
Progression: Increase speed of arm swing, size of bounce and tempo of bounce.
Repeat Times Do_Ti mes/day
Purpose/Goal: ___-
Comments: By moving the arms, the stability ot the spine is further challenged and heart ratę will also increase. The arm movements, combined with the rhythmic bouncing and clapping, will challenge coordination, motor planning and balance.
©1995 by Joanna Posner-Mayer, PT