Datę_ Name
Overhead Clap with Bounce 1:8
Starting Position: Sit correctly on bali in optimal posturę with fingers touchif1^ bali.
Movement: Clap hands over head then clap hands on the bali. Add bouncin9 in tempo.
Breathing: Monitor heart ratę. If winded, bounce less vigorously.
1. Raise arms slightly then lower and tap bali. j [/
2. Raise arms and clap in front of body staying in pain
free rangę. Lower and tap bali. ^ 2 Jj\j!
Progression: Increase speed of arm swing, size of bounce and tempo of bounce.
Beats/min_ / Repeat_Times / Do_Times/day
Comments: By mobilizing the arms, the stab/lrty of the spine is further challenged and heó^ ratę will also increase. The arm movements, combined with the rhythmic bouncing and clapping, /'*! challenge coordination, motor planning and balance.
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O 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT
Starting Position: Si correctly on bali in optimal posturę. Touch hands to shoulders with elbowsout to side. Lift elbows out to shoulder height.
Movement: Reach hnds out to side by straightening elbows. Return to starting position. Repeat. Adcbouncing in tempo.
Breathing: Monitor leart ratę. If winded, bounce less vigorously.
1. Reach out arms mly as far as comfort allows.
2. Only reach out oie arm at a time. r;1
3. Touch bali or stalle object with other hand for balance assistance. (.{
1. Increase speedjf arm swing, size of bounce and tempo of bounce.
2. Add light weightrto wrists or hands.
Beats/min_ Weights_
Repeat_Times Do_Times/day
Comments: By mobilijng the arms, the stability ot the spine is further challenged and heart ratę will also increase. The ara movements, combined with the rhythmic bouncing, will challenge coordination, motor plnning and balance.
© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer. PT