

Dato_ Name

lnternal/External Shoulder Rotation (Single arm) 7:

Starting Position: Kneel behind bali with one hand on top of bali. Touch fingers of other hand on floor next to hips.

Movement/Exerclse: Allowing trunk to follow, roli bali from side to side. Return to center. Switcharms.


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Breathing: Do not hołd breath. Breathe comfortably. Modification:

1.    If weakness exists, support/guide arm on bali with other arm.

2.    If unable to kneel, sit in chair with bali on bed in front.

Progression: To add shoulder flexion, lean trunk forward allowing head to fali next to arm and roli bali from side to side.




Purpose/ Goal:.

Comments: The bali allows precise control of gravity assisted internal and extęmal rotation. It also provides gentle side bending and rotation of the spine.

© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT

Starting Position: Sit on heels behind bali with hands shoulder-width apart on bali.

Movement/Exercise: Roli bali in half circle allowing top arm to cross over lower arm. Reverse in other direction.

Breathing: Do not hołd breath. Breathe comfortably.

Modification: If unable to kneel, sit in chair with bali in front on bed or table.

Progression: To combine internal and external rotation with shoulder flexion, roli bali away from body so that trunk lowers and head is between arms.


Repeat Times Do_Times/day

Purpose/ Goal:_

Comments: The bali allows precise controI of gravity assisled internal and extemal rotation.

©1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT



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