Figurę 5: Pisum sativum (abnormal type 21/03). The epicotyl is deeply cracked or broken.
Figurę 6: Pisum sativum (abnormal type 11/06). The primary root is spltt from the tip.
Figurę 8: Pisum sativum
(abnormal type 11/03). The primary root is retarded.
Figur' 1: Pisum $ttivum (abnormal type H/02). The primary root Is thtckened and stubby. Generaily this type of abnormal ‘.eedling i$ a result of phytotoxlć response to seed treatment then the type of abnormal is phytot<jxu se< dłmg (00/10).
Seedling Type G - Seedlmg Group A-2-2-2-2 (Pisum) 19-6