FIN CA | |
P Azul/Blue |
928 |
847 |
3721 |
L Azul/BIue |
928+927 |
848 |
3721+3733 |
tt Azul/BIue |
927 |
849 |
3733 |
M Azul/BIue |
926 |
850 |
3739 |
= Azul /Blue |
931 |
921 |
3139 |
x Caqui/Khaki |
3045 |
888 |
7392 |
W Caqui/Kha/ci |
829 |
277 |
7066 |
- Dorado/Gold |
834 |
874 |
7046 |
Gris /Grey |
648 |
900 |
8562 |
☆ Gris/Grey |
647 |
1040 |
8487 |
? Gris/Grey |
646 |
8581 |
8574 |
€ Gris /Grey |
3787 |
273 |
8589 |
• Marfil /lvory |
712 |
926 |
3000 |
S Marrón/Brown |
400 |
351 |
7656 |
X Marrón/Brown |
829 |
906 |
7073 |
A Marrón /Brown |
3021 |
905 |
8171 |
i Marrón /Brown |
975 |
355 |
8072 |
* Marrón/Brown |
632 |
936 |
7962 |
< Mostaza/Muslard |
832 |
907 |
7057 |
+ Naranj a/Ora nge |
743 |
311 |
7720 |
\ Salmón/Salmon |
3774 |
880 |
7933 |
T Salmón/Saimon |
754 |
882 |
7806 |
A Salmón/Saimon |
3064 |
883 |
7813 |
Materiał: esterilla 11 hilos de trama/2 ern. 1 punto/1 hilo de trama Medidas del bordado 36.5 x 27.5 cm.
© Copyright Espana y Hxtranjero
<x Tostado/Tan |
301 |
1049 |
7740 |
o Tostado/Tan. |
977 |
1002 |
7726 |
N Tostado/Tan |
3776 |
1048 |
7644 |
U Verde/Green |
472 |
253 |
4799 |
ł Vcrde/Green |
3348 |
265 |
4885 |
■£■ Verde/Green |
3347 |
266 |
4885+4561 |
8 Verde/Green |
3346 |
267 |
4561 |
C Verde/Green |
503 |
875 |
4218 |
A Verde/Green |
368 |
215 |
4472 |
** Verde / Green |
320 |
216 |
4472+4478 |
y Verde/Green |
367 |
217 |
4478 |
1 Verd e/Green |
319 |
218 |
4485 |
• Verde/Green |
500 |
683 |
4323 |
Bordar los tonos oscuros eon hebras de tres hilos Embroicler the dark colours with three strands
MaLericil: Aida 11 counts/2 cm. 1 stitch/1 count Design siy.e 36,5 x 27,5 cm.
Perli lar eon pespmites las areas marcadas eon - utilizando hebras de 1 hilo en los eolores que
a continuación se relacionan
Backstitches are indicaled — on the graph and worked in one strand in the following colours
FINCA | ||
Montana/Mountain ........................................ |
......Azul/BIue |
926 |
850 |
3739 |
Hierba/Grass................................................. |
......Verde/Green |
3346 |
267 |
4561 |
Casa /House | ||||
tejado y suelo/roofand floor....................... |
......Gris/ Grey |
3787 |
273 |
8589 |
fachada/ frontage....................................... |
......Salmón/ Saimon |
3064 |
883 |
7813 |
Figuras/Figures | ||||
azul/blue one............................................ |
......Azul/BIue |
926 |
850 |
3739 |
dorada/c/old orie........................................ |
......Tostado/Tan |
301 |
1049 |
7740 |
Piedras/Stones | ||||
marrones/brown ones............................... |
......Marrón/Brown |
632 |
936 |
7962 |
grises/gfrey ones........................................ |
646 |
8581 |
8574 | |
sa lmones/ saimon ones.............................. |
......Salmón/Saimon |
3064 |
883 |
7813 |
Arboles del londo/Trees at the background | ||||
verdes/green ones..................................... |
......Verd e/Green |
3347 |
266 |
4885 |
dorados/gold ones..................................... |
......Tostado/Tan |
301 |
1049 |
7740 |
Arbol de la dereeha/Tree at the right side | ||||
zonas claras del tronco y ramas | ||||
liyht areas of the trunk and branches......... |
......Gris/Greiy |
648 |
900 |
8562 |
zonas oścu ras del tronco/dark areas oj the trunk. Gris/Grey |
646 |
8581 |
8574 | |
Hojas/ Leaues | ||||
azuladas claras/light bluish ones............... |
......Verde/ Green |
367 |
217 |
4478 |
azuladas oscuras/dar/c bluish ones............ |
......Vcrde/Green |
500 |
683 |
4323 |
nmarili('nl /1 i^llm ni«:h |
Verde / Green |
334 7 |
4885 |