Fest hu
Moj surę lm(l yd) of thrcad from the bali. Do i)Je
thread. Srring on the 12 bcads for the chains and J- - thcm
close to the bali as you wind the length of thrcad > the shuttle. Start ar any ring and work 2ds, (p, 2ds) 3 times. ii W. As you prepare to rat the first chain, slide 2 bcads along rhc hall thread and keep thcm over the back of your fingers in readiness. Rcfer co Method 2 on page 17. Work the visual pat tern, inserting bcads as indicated. Vary the lengths of the pi cors ro create the fcathery appcarance of a snowflakc. RW.
The nexc 4 rings will be madę as follows. Tar 2ds, pick up one of the loose bcads on the end of the crochct hook and slide ir onro the lasr picot of the preceding ring, make a picor join, 2ds,
(p, 2ds) twice, cl ring. Refcr to Method 3 on page 17. Whcn utring the 6th ring, you will have to slide a loose bead onro the lasr picor of ring S and the first picot of ring i beforc you make the picot joins. The rcmaining chains will be tatted the same way as the first.
Join the 6rh chain to the basc of ring 1 and end off.
Make a sccond snowflakc to march, and stiffen both beforc mounring thcm on suirable jewellery findings.
l sbultles or IIS-H7 needle
No. 20/40 błock or cbarcoal grey cotton. sili: or rayon
fint crochct book
bhck ricc bcads
smali black bcads
fabric for lifting
ribbon for drawstrings
Herc is a vcry differcnr bag wirh a Victorian charm. Although illus-trated in charcoal grey, it could just as casily be tartcd in black, or in wbite for a bridc. The daisy motifs in the middle form the Foundation round of the bag. Evcrything else is workcd in rounds upwards or downwards from thcrc. Extra motifs can bc addcd to enlarge the bag, and rounds of zigzagging ricc bcads may bc addcd or deletcd at will in order to lengthen or shorten it. Rcfer to Method 4 on page 18 for the płaceniem of bcads in the ccntres of the daisics and to Method 3 on page 17 for bcads on the picots wherc the daisics join to one