milo 01 05

milo 01 05



To D«»elop the Muiel*» of the Abdomen


Place the bar beli on the floor and lic flat on the back. with feet under center of bar. and band* raiscd over hcad. as in position Figurę A Throw the hands upwards and forward. which will assist you in raising body to position Figurę B. Rcach as far forward ar. possibtc, and try to touch toes without bending knees; this will inturc a fuli contraction of the abdomina! muscles

Repeat sevcral times. As you bccome stronger. do not throw arm* forward. but hołd them stiff above head whilc you risc slowly to lifting posi tion by the strength of the abdominal muscles alone. This cxcrcisc should be practiad by thow julTering front nomach and intes tinal disorders. The devclopmcnt of the muscles along t h e front of the *abdo-men brings a greater blood tupply to all the digcstive organ* and belps them to perform their nor-mal functions.


Stand crect. prefcrably with the hcols to gether. Stretch the arm* owrhead; inhalc as you do »o. Thcn bend over and attempt to touch the toes with your fingers. without bend ing the knees. Exhale as you bend down. Then inhalc again as you assume the crect pocition witharmsstretehed ovcrhcad. Immcdi-atcly repeat t h c bending movcment without resting.

Repeat sevcral times. If you cx-perience a diz/.y feeling. stop.

This cxercise js a splcndid condi-tioner. and is c.s-pccially valuablc for the hips and the abdomen.

Escrcite With D u mb beli* for Sidei

Stand crect. place dumb-bcll alongside the right foot. Lcan down. pick up the dumb-bcll in your right hand and straighten up. Stand with fcci ahout 8 inches a p a r i . and bend down an far as you can to the right fsee Figurc D) and straighten up again. After you have re-peated this move-ment the rcquircJ number of times shift the dumb-bcll to the left side and perlonu cxcrcisc with left arm Repeat five times with each arm. using from 25 to 50 pounds.


Assumc a jHwition. lying >upinc on Ute floor Whilc keeping the bccls together and the Irgs straight. raisc the Icgs to a position at right anglcs with your body. Rcfer to Figurę E. l.owcr the legi and repeat tcveral times.

Pagc 5

ł-IC.URf D


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