For Ilia Waitt R*|I*b
Stand erect with bands on hips. As shown in Figurę F, bend one knec at a timc and raise ic upward. As one foot is replaccd on the floor. raise the other. Rcpeat sevcra! times with each leg.
PRELIMINARY EXERCI5E NO. 6 For Calf Oerelopment
The calf of the leg is the hardest part of the wholc body to devclop. simply because its construction be-comcs vcry hard and set by continual use in walk-ing. This hardened tissue must first b« broken down before it will respond to growth, and it invariably mcans hard work at first. After that progress is very satisfactory.
I.oad your kcttle-bell or dumb-bcli up to 40 pounds and hołd it in one hand. Stand ercct on one foot only. (You will find it wise to allow the fingers ol the disengaged hand to rest on the back of a chair or against the wali, in order to control your baiance) and sec tbat the leg you arc standing on is pcrfcctly stiff. Now. vcry slowły, begin to raise up onto the tocs as high as you can. and when ai the limit of height. as in Figurę G.. hołd your balancc for a sccond. and then slowły lower. repeat-ing this cjcercisc sevcral times. Work up to 24 move-mcnt.s. then add 5 pounds, and commcnce at 9 repeti-tions. Do not fail to cxercise both legs.
Twa hand Curl with Bar Bell (ram Hipi to Shouldcr* For Dereloping th* Bicapt, In ner Side ot th« Forearmi, and the Back Muaclet
Stand as in position Figurę No. 1. feet about 12 inchcs apart: grasp the bar firmły in both bands with the under-grip: don‘t allow the wcight of the beli to puli the wrists out straight. but instead kcep the palnis of the hands turned upwards as much as possiblc, as shown in Figurę I. By adopting this position of the •wri-ifs .at the start of the lift you will ahorten the distance between th* handle of the beli and the clbow joints; you will be ablc to lift several pounds morę than if you hcld the wrists straight, and. morcover, you will develop the inner forcarm musclcs by holding the wnsLs in this position. Kecp the clbows at the sides of the waist and lift or curl the beli upwards to the shouldcrs. as in position Figurc No. 2. Lower the beli elowly until the nrms tire straight, and repeat the motion 5 times.
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