milo 01 22

milo 01 22

Fioube 30.

On Specialization

Thcrc is a time when a pupil finds that certain muscles of his body do not respond as quickly to growth as somc others, and there arc times when a pupil is confrontcd with the fact that a certain part of his body is below the rest of his generał dcvclopment, and in each ense he will have to spccializc in order to ohtain the ncces-sary results.

Most pupils think all they havc to do is to perform an cxcrcise for that one part as many times as they can stand it. That is absolutely wrong.

Do not figurę on any form of specialization until you have spent at six months at exer-cising on this coursc.

Thcn there are various plans you may adopt. One such plan is to perform twice as many ex-ercise movcmcnts for the particular musclcs in qucstion. For instance, if you were going to specialize on the biceps; you would practice the

h a v c pro-gresscd on his pound agcs and r e p e I i-tions to such an cxtcnt as to make sonie cxercises dif-łicult. Thcn is the t i m e w hen he is asked to think for him-sclf, becausc once a pupil has progressed so far with his traming, we wish to ciiforce upon his mind the fact tłiat repc-titions and poundages are not cverythine. It is how you perform your exercise. At this linie, repetitions will not be so important, nlthough it is hest to foilow out same sort of schcme of progression. This may be done without religiously working on a program of inereases. Per form the excrcises the number of times that is satisfactory to the fccling of your musclcs, which should be just comfortably tried, NOT exhausted. The amount of weight you should use should be suflicicnl to allow you to perform the cxcrcises right, but with not too many repetitions. The harder the exerci9cs be-como. the moro weight and fewer repetitions you should use. Sonie days you will feel it i- not possible to perform an excrcisc as many times as you did on a prcvious occasion when you sccmcd to havc morę “pep.” Tłien is the time you should allow your generał condition to be your guide, and bc satisfied by performing the wceretse a smnller numlier of repetitions.

curling a n d pressing ex-e r c i s e s for the irms twice during each exercise period. You might work on this plan for a month, ihen rest for one or two weeks, excr-cisc again for a month, takr another rest. etc

Somctimcs. benctit is de-rived by ex-crcising t h c musclcs in ąucstion cvcry day. Ii is Kidom advis-ablc to spccializc cntircly on one part of the body.

Somctimcs a rest from cxcrcisc for the part of the body in qucstion will prove of greater benefit than special exercises. By this. we mean a rest after several months of continuous cxer-cisc. The rest should not be prolonged over a week or two.

A rest from all forms of cxcrci>c may help to incrcase bodyweight after »everal months of continuous training.

When qucstions of this naturę arise in your mind, it is always best to consult your instructor. We would suggest getting in touch with the instructor of the Milo Bar Bell System. When consulting him on such muftera ns this, give your eomplete measurrment^, the amoiinŁ of weight you łmve been uaing for rach cxercisc, whether you participatc in athlctics, a eomplete oullinc of your diet. and any other 'Information which may assist the instructor in figuring out your casc.

Rcmcmber that individuals vary greatly. Don't cxpcct the instructor to tell how much you should wcigh or mca5ure just by judging from your hcight and age. To make an accuratc gues* of this sort, it would l»e ncccssary to considcr our wrist and anklc mcasurcracnts. shuuldct rcadth, natural shape of face and head, and scveral other pointa which may be judged better by the help of sevcra! photographs.

Plcase rcmcmber that cvery man of a certain hcight should not have idcntical measurements. Also rcmcmber that the tapc measure is not an absolutely accuratc gauge of correct physical proportions. The muscular shapliness as judged by the cyc, and physical efficiency must be eon-sidered in determining whether or not a man is propcrly dcvelopcd.

As you cxcrcise a muscle, the effort ealłs for a greater blood fusion to be drawn to the affected muscular area in order to stimulate the action.

Page 22

Ficuas 29.


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