jow01 10

jow01 10

"serolog 3.

Thla oxorolae Ib & littlo noro aevere than tho reat and you will probobly havo o ono lim erocuting it.

Duo to tho fact that tho body lo hoawlor than tho logg you will flnd tho balanoa of powr lloo wlth tho upper body, and tho lorora^e gotton froo lt will oauae tho logo to ri>oa

TblB dlffloulty can bo eaolly OTorccao ln a aannor I will osplain aa I oomo to


U© fiat upon tho boek upon tho floor wlth tho ama outatrotohod bohlnd tho hoad aa ln Erorctno 3, poaltlon (a).

Broatho in Juat bo for© you aro roady to do tho noxt nnromont. Aa you atart lt you tsuat bro&tho during tho initial noroacnt*

Pfoo tho prono poaltlon anap up lato a alttiag postura, brlnglng tho honda <nr«r wlth a awooplng offset and touch tho toos aa ln Eacttrciao 3, poaltlon (b). Thia dono, roias Into tho orlginal poaltlon and broatho ln.

Aa I statod boftoro, aa you alt up your faot will bo Incllnod to riao and to apo11 tho aovoaont.

lo avol<3 thla, płaco tho foot undor tho faot rolling of tho bod or tho odgo of tho buroftu. Tour foot will not rlac thon.

Thla osorcla© oatehoa tho flrst two rldgoe of tho abdotiłnal nuacloa eioatly, thua brIngIng a noro dlroot aaaaago upon tho atoeaoh and bullćlng a hoarior nuaoular eoatinr ovor tho aelar plozua, or thoraole arch.

Tho lnportant part to obaorve whon porfomlng tho osorclao la to kaop tho baok


"horton tho dlataneo botwogn tho chln and tho fcnooa aa amoh aa poaalblo*

SI* ropotitlono aro ouffleleat for thla .ocerelso#


Don't broatho ln whon ralalng.

Don*t ko©? tho baok atralght whon raialag or Ioworing.

nzpcig; 4f

If you aro short-tflndod thla esorclao will euro lt. It la a flno abdoninal or.orclao that will koop you keyod up frots tho boglnnln; to tho o rui.

Tho wholo uppor body la affbotod aa rar aa that gooa# but tho aororoot aotlon la thrown upon tho ontlro abdooinal and luabar region*

Sit upon tho floor wlth tho ftoot aproad w1doły aport*

Hołd tho arna out levol wlth tho ahouldors as ln ncorclao 4, poaltlon (a), 1-10


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